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He told me, "Babe I love you" which made me sneeze......I'm sorry but I'm allergic to bullshit....PS

About Me

♥ Never make someone your priority when they only see you as an option!!!!!!! ♥ Make sure that you always have an open ear to listen, empty shoulders for tears, hands for holding, arms for hugging, and a smile to brighten someone’s day ♥ Love like your heart has never been broken. Laugh so hard your tummy hurts. Forgive those who have wronged you in the past. Smile big. Compliment others. Let loved ones know that you care. Dream big and make sure to follow them. Don’t ever say “what if.” Live your life without regrets. Strive for the best. Follow your goals and aspirations. Dance and sing like no one is looking. Go where you want to go. Meet new people. Be confident. Be spontaneous. Speak freely. Say what’s on your mind. Flirt with strangers. Say how you feel. Watch every sunrise and sunset you possibly can. Skip in the rain. Lay in the sun. Roll around in the snow. Just make sure to be the best mother, father, sister, brother, friend, lover, daughter, son, grandparent, grandchild, teacher, and human being that you can be ♥ Everything happens for a reason. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Remember the past so you can enjoy the future ♥♥ RIP Bobby Ihrig ♥ you will be loved and missed by everyone forever I love exactally where I am in my life right now♥Here's a couple clips of the shows "In the Paint with Elton Brand," and "StarPower" with the Pussycat Dolls
Elton Loves Koolse.com
Pussycat Dolls Fashion Show

My Interests

Persuing my dreams one day at a time♥Watch this...it's one of the funniest things I have ever seen!!! The Landlord

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I'd like to meet:

My future ex & People who don't think the world revolves around them ;)


Love it..... .. width="425" height="350" ....


Any movie that Martin Scorcese or Quentin Tarantino have touched. Both of them amaze me.......The Last King of Scotland, Goodfellas, Goonies, Coming to America, Casino, Scarface, Godfather, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Napoleon Dynamite, Borat, all of National Lampoon Vacation movies, Bridget Jones Diary, Kill Bill, Meet the Parents, Raging Bull, Pirates of the Carribean, Long Long Trailer, Love Actually, 13 going on 30, The Holiday


Dexter, Sopranos, Big Love, Sex and the City, 24, Gilmore Girls, Entourage, I Love Lucy, Lockup and Lockdown (I have a strange obsession with prisons)


Tuesday's With Morrie, The Lovely Bones, Invisible Monster


God and my mom and dad

My Blog

Apples and wine....

This is actually quite funny so I had to post it............ Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are ...
Posted by Emily Monteith on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 11:07:00 PST