Young, Gifted and Black profile picture

Young, Gifted and Black

I don't need a Sugar Daddy... I can be a Sugar Mammi!!!

About Me

fashion layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.comWhat's really good MySpace? It's your girl...Kat holding it down in the county of Duval! So this is the page and I hope you enjoy it.I'm just charismatic, classy, jazzy, intelligent, confident, sexy and sultry me. I'm a child of God(first and foremost) thanking God for all of His favor and blessings. And I try to live life to the fullest everyday. I gotta hold it down for all of my people from the beautiful state of Kentucky(don't hate...we're not country...we're fly), shouts out to all of my people reppin for that Derby City baby(Louisville for all of you that don't have the privilege of knowing), the world does not know how hot we are but they will soon enough! lol!Well that's it for now...want to know anything else? I didn't think so! No, but really if you want to know something and I feel like divulging that info, I will most certainly provide the answers to all of your questions...if I feel like it!

My Interests

I'm interested in everything...always trying to expand my mind(because a mind is a terrible thing to waste!) But more specifically I love the arts(self expression is beautiful) and FOOTBALL(I definitely can't live without it...thanks Dad!)among the other regular things: fashion, music, children, eating and hanging out. I'm an adventurous person, so I'm usually down to try new things(freaks please don't take that literally!!)

I'd like to meet:

My heavenly Father(when its time)...other than HimI want to meet everyone that I possibly can...I mean I want to max out my for real I just want to meet some real down to earth people and network a little bit.And of course I want to meet you...I can be quite the ego stroker(lol) when I wanna be! *smiles*No internet stalkers please....


Everything that has a meaning, because a lot of stuff doesn't now a days. Some of my favorite artists are: Billie Holiday, Lauryn Hill, Musiq Soulchild, Javier, Jill Scott, you gotta love Beyonce(at least I do!)Chaka Khan, Stevie Wonder, all of the Marleys, Chrisette Michelle(she's freakin awesome), Kanye West, all the 90s music groups that can no longer be found(Shai where you at??)Anita Baker & Regina Bell, Outkast, Common(he could get it), this cat named Lil Brother, he said some hot sh!t on that track Slow it Down...something like " I want a girl when I want a girl and when I don't want a girl I want a girl who understands that" (words to live by my brother...except the part about me wanting a girl) and I luv all of that old school Gospel(hey Deacon St.!)


I go to the movies and sometimes when I'm not sleeping I watch movies at home!!!!! I absolutely love comedies and chick flicks: Talledega Nights, The Ringer, Coming to America, The Notebook, The Lake House...and so on. I also love all Shakespere remakes(I know... I'm a weirdo) and I always seem to cry on football or basketball movies...I'm not sure why though :-)


Yep I watch it...a lot of it...the end.


I like to read everything and I do mean everything. Maya Angelou, Angela Davis, Zane, Eric Jerome Dickey, the newspaper, Vibe, Essence....ect.


I don't really have heroes but I have some role models: My parents-for making it work for 25+ years....I want my marriage to be as successful as theirs is. My adopted mother-because I believe she is a great woman in her own time. In her own way my beautiful little sister has become a hero... she's the love and light of my life and everything I do is simply to let her know that she can do it fact she can do it better than me! I LUV U SISTA GIRL!!! And a handful of other folk...but not everyone needs to be named...right??

My Blog


Something deep inside of me knew this time would comeSo with sincere anticipation, I pressed pen to paper and this is the love child that was brought forth.You see, this was all revealed to me in a sl...
Posted by Young, Gifted and Black on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 08:34:00 PST

Thank you Nick at Nite

 I would just like to thank Nick at Nite for adding re-runs of "A Different World" to their line-up. Because of them I have stayed up many a night watching and laughing at the shows I've seen bef...
Posted by Young, Gifted and Black on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 05:34:00 PST

If you weren't missed it!

Man Goapele tore up Boomtown on Saturday(7/8/06) night. I had never really listened to her music that much, but the sista is deep. I think "Catch 22" is my new shit! The theme song to my love life(vio...
Posted by Young, Gifted and Black on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 05:56:00 PST