nEsS profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i LoVe mAh LiFe eVeN iF iT SUCKS!!!! =)

My Interests

waTcH tV, LiStEniN' tO mUsIcZ, rEad bOoKs AnD mAgAzInEz, LuVz rEd, eLmO, cLotHes, pAnTz, sHoEs, movIeS, sUrfiNG tHe nEt, cHikAhAn, kWentuHan, sMokiN, i LovE tO eAt a LOT!!! LuVz 2 gO 2 d bEaCh, i LiKe tO sLeEp aNd sLeeP and craWL in mY bEd.. hiHi! =)

I'd like to meet:

oL oF yOu hELLaS oUt dEr!!! =)


r 'n B, aCoUstiCs, hiP hOp, tEcHnO, chiLL oUt


tHe gRuDgE (yiKes!), inNer sEnSes, the riNg, tHe eYe, crOuching TiGer, LegallY bLonDe, cLueLesS, DOWN TO YOU, piRaTes oF tHE cArRiBeaN, nEmo, hOw tO LoSe a gUy, sWeEt hOmE aLaBAmA.... bLaH bLaH bLaH!!! =)
