I liKe BlaCK, ReD, WHiTe, BLUe, anD PINK. I'm KinDa oBsEsSivE wHen It ComEs To mY BoO... anD mY frIeNDs... I KnoW it's nOt A gUd ThIng... thaT's wHy I reaLLy trY mY beSt tO minimIze it. I LovE shOeS, I lOve surFing thE nEt... I coULd SurF aLL daY...that's whY mY mOm swiTch mE tO prepaiD webcArdS insteaD of pLanS beCaUse thE BiLLs cAn GeT sOOO shOckIng.. hehe...I lOve HangIng oUt, anD drInkIng wiTh My FrIeNdS...but Now, I'm GettIng BoreD wiTh ThaT... All I wanNa dO noW iS SmoKe.... BuT I caN't becaUsE I toLd mYselF to QuiT... I caN Get soO InsecurE soMetiMes tOO.. I haVe So ManY PLanS iN mY lIfe...BuT toO LazY tO evEn FiNisH the 1sT one.. mayBe ThaT's WhY I'm sO loNelY... aNywAy...ThE OnLy PeRsoN thaT MakEs Me HapPy is My BoY! I lOve HiM sO mUch! He MaKes Me LaUgh evEn WhEn thErE's NothIng FunNy.. har har har...
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
anyone...from any country...as long as they are friendly..hehe