painting, drawing, my guitar,hanging out with my kids, watching movies,latex ,pvc and leather :P ancient history, american history, wwe wraslin'lol, ufc, the contender, comics, collecting gi joes ( yes i said gi joes lol), fantasy art books , frank frazetta's work, simon bisley's work and many others.oldschool cartoons :)if you wanna checkout some art work ive done go to :
coolass peoples :)
metal, blues, classical,old school rap, everything but country pretty much...
comedies, action/adventure, 60's spaghetti westerns, anything with arnold, steven seagal, clint eastwood, charlie bronson, jet li, bruce lee, scrubs, daily show, colbert report, old SNL,maddtv, comedy central.
history channel, discovery, comedy central, speed channel, the learning channel, adult swim, hogan knows best, raw, smackdown, spike tv, ufc ( yes i know i mentioned that above, sue me) american choppers, biker build off, overhaulin, maimi ink, pinks, dirty jobs ( which im proud to say i have lol)scrubs, daily show, colbert report, old SNL,madtv, comedy central and that 70's show.
reading a couple wwii novels based on events surrounding d-day
my kids, gi joe, transformers, conan , robert e. howard for creating conan, frank frazetta for painting his exploits,ken kelley, boris valejo,simon bisley ,chris farley , richard pryor, john candy and john beluschi for keeping me laughing years after their untimely deaths