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Frag Dolls UK

Welcome to Frag Dolls UK!

About Me

LATEST BLOG: An Official Announcement
"I would like to formally announce that the members of Frag Dolls UK, Sarin, Jam and Kitt, are the official world record holders of the Longest Continuous Play of an FPS..." [more]
LATEST NEWS: Record Breakers: Frag Doll 24 Gaming Marathon now LIVE!
On the 22nd March, Frag Dolls attempted to raise money for Breakthrough Breast Cancer and set a Guinness World Record for the “Longest Continuous Play of an FPS.” The location: i33 and Xbox Live. The challenge: 24 hours on Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. It was a tall order, but could the Dolls deliver? View the video to find out here.
We're Frag Dolls UK, an all girl professional gaming group brought together by Ubisoft to make gaming accessible, friendly and FUN. Want to know more? Check out our profiles, online sessions, industry interviews and more at our website, .
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My Blog

Frag Doll Afternoon Tea Podcast Eps. 7

Afternoon Tea goes international with US Frag Doll Psyche joining Kitt and Jam to talk about PAX, Leipzig, EIF and boob cups. Games discussed: Manhunt 2, Bioshock, CoD4, Guitar Hero III, Metropol...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 03:40:00 PST

Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII

I never really got into Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII. Every few years I'll really get into a flight sim/action game (like F-22 Interceptor on the Megadrive), but it's not a genre I actively ...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 03:36:00 PST

Even after a Second Opinion you’re too drunk to operate - Sarin

I almost killed a young girl last night. If it hadn't have been for Dr Kasal stepping in at the very last moment, she certainly would have slipped away. All that blood on my hands, that tiny life on m...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 03:35:00 PST

EIF: The gaming world comes to Scotland [video]

Last year I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Edinburgh Interactive Festival (EIF) and meet some fascinating people including the Red vs Blue guys and the ultimate Guitar Hero, Simon Byron...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 04:13:00 PST

The Girliest Game on the Xbox 360 - Jam

There's only so long you can spend your evenings taking photographs of nubile young girls before people begin to talk. But I assure you that I play Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 with the sincerest intentions...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:35:00 PST

Bioshock  To Harvest or Rescue

Stunning, Stunning , Stunning! Bioshock is incredibly beautiful. The plot is thick and heavy with secrets and pathos. The gameplay is diverse and allows for so much choice in terms of how you battle t...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:33:00 PST

DS = Delightful Settling

I hear the door bell ring and like a small child on Christmas morning I leap up and run to see what I have got. The package looked promising and a small smile crept onto my face. Could it really final...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:32:00 PST

Im off to Leipzig! - Jam

Confirmed earlier this week. Talking about flying by the skin of a frankfurter, eh?   [Click here to read the rest of this blog...]...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:28:00 PST

World’s Apart - Kitt

The breadth of gaming often amazes me. How Bioshock and Hexic 2 can both come under the small umbrella of 'videogames' is astonishing. Yet they both do and both delight in very different ways. [Click...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:26:00 PST

Ninja Grrrrrrr-den - Sarin

The summer is well and truly here and it's time for most of us to get out and get undressed ... well somewhat anyway. Despite those UV warnings, all the parks near me are full to bursting point with s...
Posted by Frag Dolls UK on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:25:00 PST