They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! profile picture

They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts!

She's not the girl next door...she's the girl that the boy next door sneaks out at night to party wi

About Me

I made this icon with my camera phone. Not bad, eh?
I'm kind of a good old-fashioned girl at heart. I'm a little bit hippie, a little bit rock-and-roll. There's not really any group that I fit into specifically.
My "movie quote self-description":
I am not self-actualized. I have not found inner peace from Buddha, God, or Scientology. I'm just a fucked-up girl looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me yours. I like sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, and laying out under the stars, late at night, wishing I could climb up into them. I wish I could fly. I wish I had a million dollars. I wish I was married to Brad Pitt , Johnny Depp , Jack Johnson and mother of 2.5 of his children. I'm into pop, rock (but not poprocks). I play my music loud, I dance hard, and I sing badly, but with great passion. My alter-ego is Wonder Woman. My alter-ego is Marilyn Monroe. I watch British comedy, American drama and trash TV. I'll let you in my world, and all I ask for is a tiny piece of your soul in return. I have a head for business and a bod built for sin. I'm evil and kind, wretched and noble, sensitive and inconsiderate. I have an innocent heart, that is unbelievable jaded. My mother was a hamster and my father smelt of elderberries. Now go away you silly person; or I shall taunt you a second time!
PLEASE DON'T SEND ME OBSCENE EMAILS! I am not on here looking for a man. I hate it when I get random, dirty emails asking to "hook up" with some dude or, even worse, his wife! New friends are very nice, but I find random propositions offensive, and I don't like it. I'm not that kind of girl. (So don't ask!)
Wait a minute...this could be fun...I take it all back! Send me your random propositions! They usually make me giggle, anyway! The cheesier the better! I'll put 'em up in my blog with a link to your profile (you have to give credit where credit is due, right?)! Will my inbox runneth over?
Let me say that I hate, hate, HATE douchebag spammers. If you want me to be your friend, please send me an email telling me who you are and why you are adding me. I don't add spammers and I'm sick of being flooded with friend requests from these assholes who promise a free Nintendo Wii/laptop/cellphone/etc. I am fully aware that these are scams and have friends who have had their credit cards racked up with bills due to these fuckwads. I will report each and every spammer friend request and every imposter profile that I receive requests from to myspace.
Some quotes that I find meaningful:
"Ninety-eight percent of what goes on in people’s heads is none of their smucking business"-Stephen King, "Lisey's Story"
Every day we make our way through a moral forest, along pathways ever branching. Often we get lost."-Dean Koontz, "Forever Odd"
If we rely upon the tao with which we're born, we always know what is the right thing to do in any situation, not for our bank accounts or for ourselves, but for our souls. We are tempted from the tao by self-interest, by base emotions and passions.-Dean Koontz, "Forever Odd"
To see what we have never seen,
to be what we have never been,
to shed the chrysalis and fly,
depart the earth, kiss the sky,
to be reborn, be someone new;
Is this a dream or is it true?
Can our future be cleanly shorn
from a life to which we're born?
Is each of us a creature free-
or trapped at birth by destiny?
Pity those who believe the latter.
Without freedom, nothing matters"-"The Book of Counted Sorrows"
"One of the most important things I've discovered about life is that we can't take it-or ourselves-too seriously. If we do, then we lose our sense of humor and we become the butt of a joke that we cannot understand or participate in."-Guess who?
I'm originally from Point Pleasant, WV. Home of the Mothman:
(click the pic for the official site)
and Chief Cornstalk:
Well, his remains, anyway. (Click the pic to read about Cornstalk's curse on Point Pleasant!)
~By the way, thanks to my best friend, Jenny Hanning for letting me use the pics she took

Please visit my friend, Stephanie. Her fairy art, one of which is pictured below, is beautiful and FOR SALE! As a proud owner of a few of her works, I can personally attest to the quality! Fairy lovers, help support this local breakout artist!
I love fairies. My house is full of them!
I adopted a cute lil' fairy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
You scored as Goddess of the Golden Dawn. You come from heaven. You wake people from their sleep. Your purity is unlike any other, nor is your beauty. By the way, nice wings!

Goddess of the Golden Dawn


Ethereal Priestess Fairy


Druid Fairy


Twilight Mistress Fairy




Autumn Fairy


Raven Fairy


Snow Fairy


Rose Thorn Fairy

Which Firefly-Path Fairy are you?
created with
I'm a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of person. I have multiple facets to my personality, and few people rarely get to see them all. I'm extremely laid-back and try to be as open-minded as possible. I try to see the world and those in it from as many angles as possible. I'm a little bit of everything all rolled into one. I'm a self-proclaimed bitch, but I'm also the biggest softie you could ever meet. I go ga-ga over babies, puppies, rainbows, flowers, fuzzy little bunny rabbits and kitty cats. I'm in love with life, and it makes me kinda goofy. Oh, and I also talk to my kitty like he's a person.
I don't care what anyone thinks. I do what makes me happy and f*ck everyone else and their opinions. If you shit on my party, then your bitch ass gots to go! I love to dance. There doesn't always have to be music, because I can make my own, in my head (and I do. It keeps the voices entertained). I love singing at the top of my voice. Never mind that I can't sing for sounds beautiful to my ears, so it IS!
I party like an adult and I play like a kid. I love spin art and those cheap-ass little craft kits from the dollar tree. I love video games and little-kid toys. I am not ashamed to admit that one of the reasons I like kids so much is that it gives me an excuse to play with their toys.
I am fierce about my friends and their children. I love them and I hate anyone who messes with them. I'm also evil when I'm pissed, but it takes alot to piss me off. I tend to let things go for way too long, then when I blow up, it's like a nuclear bomb. (So don't piss me off.)
My background pic was designed by Heather . She did a great job! Thanks, Heather, for the beautiful graphic!!!

My Interests

I wasn't a cheerleader in high school. I wasn't in the pep club. I didn't run track or play any sports. I'm still not into any of those things. "I'm interested in meeting your son, having an affair with your husband, and bitch-slapping your daughter"
Yeah, it's another movie quote, but it's a cool thing to say, isn't it?
I just recently started designing jewelery. I'm preparing to open an .. jewelery store sometime in the near future. It's lots of fun, and it's great for gifting. I also love to crochet. I make blankets and scarves alot, and give them to people who probably really don't want them anyway, but are too nice to say so. I love, love, love to read and am crazy about movies. I'm a writer at heart, and have a collection of poetry and short stories that I'm always scribbling away at.

Click here to See My Etsy Shop (It'll open in another window)

You can put these icons on your profile to advertise Faeriemade, my etsy store. Just copy the text code in the scrollboxes.

Click on the icon to visit my store. If you want to buy something and are local, purchase it through the store and chose check or other as the method of payment. I'll hand-deliver (if I know you) and waive shipping.

I'd like to meet:

The fairy that bit Jennifer Connelly in "Labyrinth"!

I would also like to meet Stephen King. He has been my hero ever since I discovered his books at the age of 12. He is a maniacal genius, and I would love to pick his brain. There are a host of musicians, writers and philosophers that I would also love to meet (both living and dead) but it would take too much time to list them all here.


I listen to rap, rock, soul, blues, jazz, motown, funk, hippie music (jam bands), metal and anything else that has a beat and you can dance to. I hate music that sounds like every other band out there. I equally hate those who put out one song that got some airtime, so decided to do a hundred more songs that sound just like it. "Pseudo-punk bands" really piss me off. They're basically boy bands posing as hard-core thrashers. ("I got tats and a 'tude, so I've got street cred".)

It's my personal belief that the following bands:
Blink 182
A Simple Plan
Good Charlotte
and many others are going to hell for crimes perpetrated against the music industry.
Some of my favorites include but are not limited to:

I Love This Man!!!
Click on pic for official website.


I like to watch movies, but sometimes I feel like they're watching me. Does that sound strange to you?

I Love This Man!!!!


I used to watch lots of tv, but I started worrying that the people in the little black box could see what I'm doing. When they started talking to me, I pulled the plug on the damned thing and covered it with a blanket. Does that sound strange to you?

I hate Dr. Phil. I think he's the antichrist.
You can find the codes for more like this on my blog. If you want this one, just copy the code in the box below:

Here are some of my faves:


A good author transports you to the time and the place that they're writing about. I don't like giving anyone that much control over me. Besides, words make little noises inside my head and there's just not enough room for another little voice.

Fave authors (click the pic for official website):

Stephen King!

(I've read all his books)

Chuck Palahniuk

(wrote "Fight Club").


My heroes have always been cowboys.

My Blog


My boyfriend gave me the plague (feel free to kick him in the ass for it the next time you see him ).My boyfriend gave me the plague, and I've been laid up in my house all week.  Actually, I did ...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:17:00 PST

...The Girl Next Door.

Not The Girl Next DoorI used to be the good girl in town.God, sometimes I miss those days.Sometimes I'm so glad they're over.I used to be the good girl, and I missed out on so much.  I used to tr...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:13:00 PST

Bulletins And Friend Tests.

Ok, this is going into my blog since some of the people who post bulletins took offense to it.  I don't want to upset or hurt anyone's feelings, but for cryin' out loud...I'm so sick of seeing th...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Tue, 22 May 2007 10:11:00 PST

The Commandments of Cubicle Life

One of the worst things about working customer service is having to work almost directly on top of each other.  Chances are, there is going to be at least one person in your immediate vicinity th...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:45:00 PST

If you want to read the "asshole customer" blog...

...but can't, either add me as a friend or email me and I will send it to you.Apparently, the blog is making its way around and I'm a little worried that I may get in trouble for it, even though I did...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Tue, 08 May 2007 10:23:00 PST

Be Ye Not Afraid To Show Thy Inner Dork

"It is fundamentally impossible to look cool and have fun at the same time.""The one thing I've learned about life is that we cannot take it (or ourselves) too seriously.  Otherwise, we become th...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Thu, 03 May 2007 07:29:00 PST

So, um...yeah

Happy birthday to me and stuff.  I haven't been posting too many blogs lately, mostly because I've been pretty happy.  I generally feel the need to write mostly when I'm pissed off or depres...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 08:55:00 PST

Waking Up Is Hard To Do

It's early-the sun has just come up, and I am starting my new dayshift at work.  I am not a morning person, nor will I ever be.  My brain just doesn't work right that early in the day. ...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 11:20:00 PST

Baby Llama Mama Drama

A Day At The Petting ZooThis past Sunday, my mommy took me to the petting zoo!    (I know, I'm a sad, sad, sad individual.)  Actually, we went to the Home and Garden Expo and there was ...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:50:00 PST


Reposted on Request:The eve of my self-destruction dawned on a clear, bright day.I had to kill a demon-had to chase the bad away.I really had no choice, you see, when push turned into shove,'Cause onl...
Posted by They Say I've Got Nice Coconuts! on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 09:00:00 PST