HottMess profile picture


So I'll put something good in here later

About Me

************************************************************ ************************************************************ ****************MY BIO: I was born in WV and lived in Ohio my 1st year of life which I don't recall and then my parents packed up the WV Bug with my Bro and sister and we ventured to New Orleans where we stayed for 10 yrs. During that time I was home schooled by my Mom with my 2 siblings and it was pretty fun. I love my mom a lot and anyone who meets her loves her. After 10 yrs in New Orleans we moved to West Virginia to take care of my Mother's Father. I went to my 1st real school in 7th grade. I was shy until I was about 15 and decided to make change and meet at least 1 new person everyday which ended up being more the 1 person once I got the hang out it. I love people. I tend to get close pretty fast and once I'm close it remains that way forever in my heart but I am able to understand that sometimes you have to let people go for one reason or another and you have to deal with it. I love all animals but I adore me some Doggies … kittens are the bomb! I have two dogs Isabelle and Abigail (Abby) then a cat named Simon Hale. I prefer dogs or kittens but I love my cat. I love love love cheese and I heart me some Taco's anytime of day. I love new music, I love to be outside and I love to explore. I save small insects who fall in pools or get stuck on their backs. I have an ability to pet bee's which is a rush and they don't seem to mind me petting their little fuzzy backs. I am "The Bee Whisperer". My dog Isabelle is a Bee eater she seems to get a rush from being stung (she is a creep). I like to collect things from nature that I find on the ground. I just stick them in my pocket and go about my day. I tend to wear the same pants for like a week or the entire summer, whatever, I change my boxers and shower so leave me alone. When I die I want all my friends and family to listen to Van Morrison "Dancing in the moonlight" on repeat while they have a good time and after it's played like 10 times you can put something else in or go home, lol. Just stay happy! The best friends I've found seem to be my family or become part of my family. I like real people, honest and true to themselves. I don't belong to a "click" or particular "group" I like old music A LOT. I like Music A LOT, any form of art from a person's style to the lack of style, like me, my style is No style and too me that is something. I'm a nature lover, music lover, people lover, lover lover and more just ask - I can't get enough of good conversations!I don't like our president, mean people, liars, long nails on my own fingers, eating on a regular basis, hate, close minded peeps, racists, not traveling, most red sauce on pasta's, grudges, revenge, sitting inside, sitting still for too long, defensive or insecure people...*************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *****************************************www.skateprophecy.c om********************************************************** ************************************************************ ******************What can I say life is about having fun where ever you are, it's about freedom and adventures - I'm a free soul I float between all the groups and I always have a blast when I feel the sensation of making a friend especially with someone who maybe wouldn't normally be my friend. I don't like category's for myself but I don't mind that some people fit in better in different places because it just gives me more place to go and people to meet, more to discover, more to learn and more to teach******************************************************* ************************************************************ *********************Check out The Prophecy Skateboard Co. It's in Memory of a damn good man named Rob Holley a bad ass Skater, Musician as well as artist and writer, he is missed more then he ever thought he was worth. I hope you have time to check it out.Michelle C. The Prophecy Skateboard Co.Add Us On MySpace: t these decks at your local shops and skate parks so we can get them on your streets!**************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************I always say the best way to eat a Teddy Graham is to start with 1.) Biting off it's head then move to2.) Nibbling off the toes 1-by-1Eventually reaching step3.) Snapping of it's crotch with a more aggressive bite letting it know you really mean business Now feel proud of what you've done always show off your talents by 4.) Taking the left over torso, tossing it into the air until it lands comfortable onto your tongue and then crush intensely with the most wisdomactic tooth you have.******************************************************* ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *****************************************************I like to sit and dream that I am outside on a park bench taking a nap like this little kitty doing whatever I want and enjoying it********************************************************** ************************************************************ ****************** ..
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My Interests

I just want to have some fun, if you like Dancing in the moonlight, being outside, being active and feeling warm and right let me know..................... TaoTeChing ...................I love to stay active and be around people. I enjoy playing music and listening to music, it's been a while since I've really played music and I need to get back into it. Typically I'd rather be outside then inside no matter the weather it's always better. I love to ride my bike, swim, walk, hike, lay around outside and breathing in the air. Basically Doing anything energetic Music, Sex, Fun, Laughing, Philosophy, Animals, I love my Animals and I like going out drinking and dancing yes it can get dangerous but it's always a rush.

I'd like to meet:

************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ********************************All the above listed photo's in my about me section are people I want to meet which I most likely never will and below is really the type of people I'd like to contact me.Insightful, Honest, Real, Compassionate people and be able to have intellectual conversations or imaginative dialect about real or non-real things, places, problems or just dreams.***************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ***************************************Robert Ingram Holley****************************************************** ************************************************************ **********************July 09, 1980ToMarch 24, 2006******************************************************** ************************************************************ ********************I love me some Rob Holley, always Robert by me willing to cook me a stew of kittens if I was hungry : ) He is/was/and will always be a good man. He lives through me and I live through him.******************************************************** ************************************************************ ********************The Prophecy Skate Board Company was put into motion by Eric Rickman shortly after the death of our longtime friend Rob Holley on March 24, 2006.The Prophecy was a dream of Rob's for a long time, his art work was never anything less then amazing but he made it look effortless. He was an avid skater with immense skill yet extremely humble and sweet natured.His passion for family and friends was greater then any, if you needed him, he was there.A true gift to the human race I think Eric Rickman said it best when he said "A brilliant , yet misunderstood, guy who should have been in Hollywood. But strongly chose your family and your neighborhood. You've always stood, for the good. I admire all that you have withstood." These words of Eric's capture the true essence of Rob.His laugh was always refreshing and a tad contagious to say the least. Actually I am smiling and laughing just thinking of his laughter and smile, lol.If you knew Rob you knew his unique "What Up" with his arm in the air flashing an upside down peace sign with his thumb, ring and pointer finger angled down.Rob was a gentle and sensitive person. He would ride to die but his skills prevented him from too much damage.All skaters have had the pleasure of eating the concrete at some point in their career which in some cases will be their last stance on a board. Not Rob.Rob would never surrender his passion due to any physical pain he would endure. He was fearless, clever, talented, gracious, compassionate and a pleasure to be around.If he had something you needed, you'd have what you needed. He'd never ask you for anything, even if he knew you had what he needed. He was selfless, beautiful, hilarious, spontaneous and so intelligent but one of his best virtue's was his acceptance of humility.A Humble, modest man the solidity of his character was that of a brick wall.******************************************************* ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *************************************Isaiah Hale******************************************************** ************************************************************ ********************1981To1999****************************** ************************************************************ **********************************************Here is the link to his Memorial site it's really beautiful Solve this case by going to this link: memorial website was created in the Memory of Isaiah Hale ..He was taken too soon from this earth on March of 99' the monsters who murdered him are still walking the streets. We need everyones help in locating any information about this crime any information about the murder can be emailed to I Love You, I take you with me everywhere and show you what I see.


I love it, Folk, Blues, Jazz, Classical, Hip-Hop, Rap, Dance, Punk, all of it. Breakdown (Ryan McGown)Jack Johnson, Murmurs, Ani Defranco, Holly McNarland, MXPX, Pennywise, Ben Harper, B.E.P., The Killers, White Stripes, Weezer, any older music I love old music, StellaStar, DMX, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Dead Prez, Blackstar, Amos Lee, Modest Mouse, Fall Out Boy, James Blunt, The Subways, Tom Petty, anything Motown The Postal Service, Rilo Kiley, Jenny Owen Youngs, Bess Rogers, Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins, Sunlime, Incubus, Kate Nash, Lindsay Kat, Kanye West, The Cure, Red Hot Chile Peppers, Otis Redding... to be continued..


............The Endless Summer, The Endless Summer 2, Thiker Than Water, Broke Down Melody, Donnie Darko, Go, Spun, Requiem For A Dream, Swingers, Blow, Jawbreaker, Charlottes Web,. Mary Poppins, Jimmy Newtron Boy Genius, Mosters Inc., Shrek, How The Grinch Stole Christmas (Original), Finding Nemo, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Boys Don't Cry, , Lost in Translation, The Sweetest Thing, Family Man, Sleepless In Seattle, You've Got Mail, Benny And June, Kissing Jessica Stein, , Life of David Gale, The Boondock Saints, Reservoir Dogs, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels..................................................... ............


.......................... I don't prefer TV. I like Law & Order and Love Cartoons N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N


I don't read much but I like books on Taoism, The Art of Joyful Living: Meditation and Daily Life, Illusions: The Adventures of a reluctant Messiah
If you like Art or Artists Please visit the link below: FizerFaeryArt: Shop:


My Family. People who want to discuss rather then fight to resolve a disagreement or misunderstanding, rational people, lost people, Honest people, Real people, and most of all people who are sure of themselves and can admit their flaws and fears. And people who aren't afraid to love or to be Love

My Blog

Summer Days

Rain is slowly fallingLeaves filling full of waterdripping slowly down it fellonto a flower bloomingAs the spider drinks the dew childrenplaying in the mud growing closeto each other and the earthligh...
Posted by HottMess on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 07:55:00 PST

Lack of Reality (wrote it a long time ago)

I want to make love to you for the first time again. Only this time both of our hearts will be free to fall into each other as one for a moment in time.I was goneReality let go completly and releaed m...
Posted by HottMess on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 07:50:00 PST

If just for a moment ...

When your heart breaksWhen you need a hugWhen no one is there When your alone with someone next to you who won't hug youTurn to me and I'll be there with arms wide openI won't ask questions or try to ...
Posted by HottMess on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 06:58:00 PST

This is what it's like, for those tossing stones into lakes

Really I don't get it, I don't care anymore I try and I find my happiness and then I'm not enjoyed which makes me feel like my happy isn't a very good happy. I stay calm, try not to cry, keep my tempe...
Posted by HottMess on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 06:03:00 PST

To my peeps & yea

So I'm really bored & Erin and I need to get the Eff out of here for a while. Summer Adventures here we come! So if you would like to be a stop on the E&M Tour Summer Adventures  just let me ...
Posted by HottMess on Wed, 16 May 2007 01:46:00 PST

It's Time Again!!!

Michelle C.The Prophecy Skateboard Co.www.skateprophecy.comCan you see the light???Know Your FutureIn Memory of Rob Ingram HolleyMySpace URL: 09, 198...
Posted by HottMess on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 09:49:00 PST

Life is like a box of shit & that's all you going to get

Life is like a box of shit & that's all you're going to get.Maybe one day I'll stop giving a fuck about everything & it will be a sad day for the few (if any) people who care about people.I'm mad, sad...
Posted by HottMess on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:36:00 PST

I was always a leader a quiet unintentional leader but still a leader and I starter to follow

This was a letter to Teddy:Ya know what is funny? I think I've found inner happiness again, I know this upcoming month of March is always hard, Isaiah on 03/17/99 and now Rob 03/24/06. Basically I've ...
Posted by HottMess on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:58:00 PST

satisfied ~ Just a good day

I sit with music in my ear while I have this headset over my earplugs making my day go this wayI gotta say it ain't too bad feeling free while being the me I have to be just to succeed in a world of g...
Posted by HottMess on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:01:00 PST

Rob playing Music - nothing more to say - Please meet my friend if you've not yet

"Tears are dripping from my eyes like water that's been purified now that I've seen your face again my heart and soul will never mend for broken is what I always was and am at best a broken 'what I on...
Posted by HottMess on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 03:43:00 PST