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Lady Of The Trees

Make Blood, Not War

About Me

Do Not Live in Fear, Live in Love
Fear reduces our ability to love.
Love is Power.
Real Love is Power beyond belief.

(This is basically just to see if you are actually reading this.)
; )
Please Take The Time To Watch The Videos At The Bottom Of This Page, and/or check out
Make up your OWN mind.
In the end, I believe that we all believe what we want to anyway.
Love to you!
Know Your Power To Make A Change!
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer
it sings because it has a song."
These things I write of love and peace are not spoutings of a 'righteous' soul. I struggle with anger, selfishness and hypocrisy (etc.)just like anyone else.
I do hope, however to motivate and teach anyone who is willing to read my message.
It is a message I believe in, yet I still try to keep an open mind on matters in which I am ignorant.
( When it comes to the pure matter of the universe I just might be ignorant about everything though!) : )
Life can be a tricky illusion.
I am trying to teach myself along with you.
I also look forward to being taught by all of you!!!
It would not be wise to believe that who I am today will be who I am tomorrow.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -----Anais Nin
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" Anatole France"
Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they are only animals. ~Theodor Adorno
I believe animals should be treated the way they were by the indians. If they are to be used in any matter at all, it should be with the utmost respect and out of a real necessity. If an animal were allowed to live out it's entire life naturally and peacefully I would not see such harm in using it's body parts or fur.
So long as the animal died a natural death or was killed again out of a real need and with true mercy.
My heart breaks for all of those who are not in this position.
Man, as a whole, has become excessively greedy and has lost respect for the very land that cradles him and for the beautiful creatures he shares it with.
I rarely get drunk anymore.
But I do enjoy a good drink or two {preferably wine}, once in a while. I'm not a big fan of common escapist drugs, lest they be of the natural mind/spirit enhancing sort, used in moderation.
There is INFINITELY MORE to life than abusing yourself with poison and doing regretful things.
Your Life Path Number is 8
Your purpose in life is to help others succeed
You are both a natural leader and a natural success. You are also a great judge of character.
You have a head for business and finance. You know how to make money.
A great visionary, you can see gold where other people see nothing.
In love, you are very generous - with gifts, time, and guidance.
You love to inspire people, but it can be frustrating when they don't understand your vision.
Great success comes easily for you. But so does great failure, as you are very reckless.
You are confident, and sometimes this confidence borders on arrogance. What Is Your Life Path Number?
HA HA!!! Now this is interesting! Too bad I don't seem to care about money enough!!!
My Question is, What if we all came out of our self-delusions,selfishness,and fear of the unfamiliar to see that we really can change the world?
"I am you and you are me."

MySpace Layouts
I am a Darling combination of "mental illness" and complete sanity. I am a Positive Melancholic... a Hopeful Romantic...a Social Loner...a Serious Clown... a Wise Fool...a Wild Child... a Road Scholar...Both Strong and Fragile ,Simple and Complex...Perfectly Flawed, a Muse, and Amusing. I am descendent of Sir Francis Drake.
Find out more at your own Risk!!! ; )
When it comes to fight or flight...I usually fly like the wind.
As soon as you think you know me I might surprise you.
I am a very independent soul,but this does not mean I cannot develop deep connections with others, I prefer them.
Your Aura is Blue
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life.
You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships.
The purpose of your life: showing love to other people
Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah
Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor What Color Is Your Aura?
I have been through quite a bit of personal turmoil in my life and have fallen down more times than I care to remember, but I always keep getting right back up again.
"Try harder, Try again."
Some of my favorite words from Brandon Lee's lips in ' The Crow'
Sometimes I feel like I 'm living in the wrong era and on the wrong planet!!!
I have the blood of an addict in my veins, yet I seem to keep a decent hold on reality and myself.
While I may appear attractive and intelligent, {ha ha} I am nothing to be intimidated by. I can be quite dirty and grungy {although I do shower every day, I love to brush my teeth, wear perfume, dress cute on occasion}.
I waste too much time on 'nothing at all'. I am late for everything! I can be very self-absorbed, at times.
I'm really just an overgrown kid.
I desire to change, yet I am tired of disliking my faults.
Maybe this is where inner peace begins???
Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
Nick Cave... dark and creepy. You're a bi-polar genius, with equal passion for the most degrading aspects of humanity, as well as the beauty & wonder of God and Heaven.
Take this quiz !
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RIGHT ON! But don't worry guys, I'm not really Bipolar!
I love things timeless and romantic... Old photographs,Antiques, Victorian elegance,Chivalry, Ethereal and Macabre beauty.
I have a great thirst for wisdom and knowledge, peering into shattered hearts and bleeding happily with open ones.
"If you talk with the animals
they will talk with you
and you will know eachother
If you do not talk to them
you will not know them
And what you do not know you will fear.
What one fears,one destroys."
-Chief Don George
"We domesticate humans the same way we domesticate a dog or any other animal; with punishment and reward. This is 'perfectly normal'. What we call education is nothing but the domestication of the human being."-Don Miguel Ruiz
"But ask the animals and they shall teach you..."-Job 12:7
It is neither good nor bad, it is thinking that makes it so."-Shakespeare
"Question everything, even your own beliefs, daily."-Ghandi
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Einstein
"When you assume something you make an ASS out of U and ME.
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."~Bambi
"Trouble no man about his religion-respect him in his view of the Great Spirit, and demand of him that he respect yours.
Treat with respect such things as he holds sacred.
Do not force your religion on anyone."-Wabasha and Red Jacket. Seneca
"When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filed with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home."-Aupumut ,Mohican
"It does not require many words to speak the truth."-Rolling Thunder
"We thank the Great Spirit for all the benefits he has conferred upon us. For myself, I never take a drink of water from a spring without being mindful of His goodness."-Black Hawk, Sauk
"It was our belief that the love of possessions is a weakness to be overcome. Its appeal is to the material part, and if allowed its way it will in time disturb the spiritual balance of the man."- Ohiyesa,Wahpeton Dakota
"The truly brave man we contend, yields not to fear nor anger, desire nor agony; he is at all times master of himself."- Ohiyesa
"Sell a country! Why not sell the air,the clouds and the great sea, as well as the earth? Did not the Great Spirit make them all for the use of his children?"-Tecumseh, Shawnee
"You see what you expect, and you expect what you invite."
"You cannot sell your soul, but you can sell your awareness of it."
"You must learn the cost of sleeping and refuse to pay it. Only then will you decide to awaken."
"It is only the awareness of the body that makes love seem limited."
"Faithlessness leads straight to illusions."
"To have faith is to heal."
"If you remain as God created you fear has no meaning, evil is not real, and misery and death do not exist."
Do you not see that all of your misery comes from the strange belief that you are powerless?"
"Every decision you make stems from what you think you are, and represents the value that you put upon yourself."
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
"If you seek love outside yourself you can be certain that you perceive hatred within, and are afraid of it."
"Everyone in this world seems to have his own special problems. Yet they are all the same, and must be recognized as one if the one solution that solves them is to be accepted."
"The ego's wishes do not mean anything, because the ego wishes for the impossible."
"Teach only love, for that is what you are. Only by teaching it can you learn it. If that is true, and it is true indeed, do not forget that what you teach is teaching you. And what you project or extend you believe."-A Course in Miracles.
"Redemption comes from love, not from suffering. When our hearts overflow with love and our love flows to the others, we are in the process of redemption. We are fulfilling and canceling our karmic debts. We are being drawn back to the bosom of God, who is ultimate love."-Messages From The Masters.
"It is only out lives that grow old. We are where centuries only count as seconds, and after a thousand lives our eyes begin to open."- Eugene O'Neill
"As a Man Thinks
So He Is."
{My Dad loved this one}
"Be still and know"
"God is Love, and Love is Real."
"When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and it's speaker a raving lunatic."--
Dresden James
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I got my MySpace Layout at I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

Love is
the ultimate answer.
Love is
not an abstraction
but an actual energy,
or spectrum of energies,
which you can "create"
and maintain in your being.
Just be loving.
You are beginning to touch
God within yourself.
Feel loving.
Express your love.
Love dissolves fear.
You cannot be afraid
when you are feeling
Since everything is energy,
and love encompasses all energies,
all is love.-Messages from the Masters.

...ANIMALS,Men,{same thing actually}; )
Consciousness, Mischief, White Magick,Mystery,
Taboos,Impulsivity, Dancing,Existentialism,
Self Love {not self absorption}
Parallel Universes, Premonitions,Prayer,
Wicked Nuns,Strange Dolls,
Maps,(old preferably), Masks,
Morbid Curiosity, Indecision,"Mistakes",
Ego Awareness, Neurology,Evening Madness,
Delapadated Ruins,Imagination,
Expecting the Unexpected,Doing things out of Character,
Naked Twister,Hide and Seek, Puppet Shows,
The Power of Belief, Gratitude,Innocense,
Fallen Angels,Idolatry,
Unfallen Angels,Eunichs, The Amish, Ascetics,
The Homeless,Sleeping with Cats, Sleeping with a Lover, Forgotten Memories,
Trauma,Healing, Love at First Sight,
Love at Last Sight,
Sexual Tension,Tantra,
Photograpic Memories,
over Money,
Negro Churches/Black Gospel
{cuz they get down!}
The Supernatural,Death,
The After Life, Surreality,Ascension,
Relative Truths,Half Truths,
The Butterfly Effect,Bathing in Holy Water,Drinking Your Bath Water
{if I love you},
Planting Seeds,,brHalloween,
Literature, Language,
Meme theory,Chaos Theory,
Psychology{as an art},
{in it's many forms},
Pagans, Neo-Paganism ,Buddhism,Gnostics,
Revelations,The Holocaust,
Native American Indians
(I have a small percentage of Native American Indian blood
in me which I hold in high regard},
Ancient Egyptians,Modern Day Hippies,
Humanitarians,Indigo Children,
Strange Fashion, Secret Societies ( The Illuminati, Skull and Bones), The New World Order,(because I am interested in these doesn't mean I 'promote' or 'accept' their workings)
Independent, Creative,Beautiful {to me}
Soft Skin
in Satin Sheets, Holding Hands, Devotion,Loss,
beyond Lust,
Road Trips,Ghost Towns,
Joshua Tree,
Africa,France,New Zealand,Ireland,India, etc.
{although I've yet to really venture out of the U.S.}
Time Travel, Physics,Metaphysics,
The Theory of
Past Lives {connections to others,this one and past life regression},
"Soul Mates",
Hypnosis,Self Hypnosis,
Dream Interpretation, Lucid Dreaming,
Serendipity, Ephinanies,
Riding Horses,Biking,Hiking,
Shamanistic Journeys,Mushrooms,
Red Wine,Dark Chocolate,
Natural Highs,
Rain Forests,Waterfalls,Snow,
Mountains and the Sea,
Tree Houses,Poetry,
Alice in Wonderland,
Little Red Riding Hood..etc.
and the real meanings
behind such fairytales,
Endangered Species
and more LOVE!!!

"Experience transends
Teach them to
Remove their fear.
Teach them to
love and help
one another.

I'd like to meet:

"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."

Online Videos by

Online Videos by

Online Videos by

Online Videos by Veoh.


Ha! I spend A LOT of time listening to music on here now, it's "free"!!!
MUSIC is one of my best friends and favorite ADDICTIONS.

I believe it has the power to heal.
My musical taste is evolving a bit, as I do.
I am always on the prowl for new and enlightening music.
Prince, Bowie, Stevie Nicks,Jeff Buckley, Controlled Bleeding,Juno Reactor,Hildegard von Bingen, Rasputina,Type O Negative, Journey,Janes Addiction, Tori Amos,Sade, Toni Childs,NIN, The Swans, Dead Can Dance, Mother Love Bone, Alanis Morrissette, Skinny Puppy, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Lycia ,KMFDM, Kate Bush, This Mortal Coil,Bjork, Duran Duran,Fiona Apple, U2,Sinead O'Connor,Sheila E., Peter Murphy, Peter Gabriel, Hall and Oates, Bahuas, Attrition, The Deftones, Sigar Ros,The Cult, Bryan Ferry,Nick Cave,Jesus and Mary Chain, Sisters of Mercy,Massive Attack, Deep Forest, Enya, Enigma, The Mission,Pink Floyd, Beth Orton, Heart, Faith and the Muse,Psychedelic Furs, Portishead, Deleruim, Loreena McKennitt,Caroline Lavelle, Soiouxsie And The Banshees,Cocteau Twins, Concrete Blonde,Sarah Mclachlan, Chemical Brothers,Christian Death,(an old fave) Moby,....
Damien Rice,Snow Patrol, Nada Surf and are new faves...80's,classic rock, classical, a little Johnny station KPFK...4 talk radio and Frank Sontag on 95.5 KLOS...
anything with a GOOD MESSAGE that makes me feel free,flowing and ALIVE!!!
the sound of birds singing,
windchimes,mews,children playing and laughing
...rain, wind,water, thunder,lightning
and especially the voice of someone I LOVE.


My life is a movie!!! I hope someone up there {or down there!} is being entertained. As for my personal entertainment, here are some fave's...
Cat People, Interview With The Vampire,Memoirs of a Geisha,The Hunger,Under The Cherry Moon, Purple Rain, What The Bleep Do We Know?,The Secret, Legends of the Fall, Flatliners,It's A Wonderful Life,Scrooge, What Dreams May Come,The Exorcist, The Excorcism of Emily Rose,Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,The Prophecy, Big Daddy,Beetle Juice {I had my first kiss to this with my first love!} Sybil,The Bride,Tarzan- The Legend of Greystoke,Gorillas in the Mist,The March of The Penguins,Kama Sutra,Frida, Pretty In Pink,The Breakfast Club, The Outsiders,Harold and Maude,Dead Poets Society,A Beautiful Mind, The Crow ,Legend,Edward Scissorhands, The Little Girl Who Lived Down The Lane,Fight Club,Broke Back Mountain, A Home at the End Of the World, Gia,Rosemary's Baby,The Lost Boys,Bambi, One Hour Photo,Amelie,Amadeus, Monster, Great Expectations, Walk The Line, Stay,...DOCUMENTARIES, INDIE FILMS.
Creative movies with a strong message, truly educational films.
Movies based on true stories.


Weapons of Mass Distraction

This includes computers ; )

Not used in appropriatemoderation, that is.


I'm a little book worm
...Books are Crack!!!
I wish I had the time and money for All of the books I'd love to read,but I try.
Here are some books that have changed my way of thinking and my life...
Infinite Love is The Only Truth;
Everything Else is Illusion
(David Icke!)
The Four Agreements, The Voice of Knowlege , The Art of Dreaming, The Teachings of Don Juan, A Seperate Reality {Carlos Casteneda} Lasher, The Witchitng Hour, Memnoch The Devil, Interview With The Vampire,{Anne Rice} Conversations With God series--These are not "religious" books , The Power Of Now ,Night {Elie Wiesel} The Noonday Demon; An Atlas of Depression, Messages From The Masters, Only Love Is Real, Getting The Love You Want, Keeping The Love You Find, Receiving Love, Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven, Women Who Run With The Wolves,The True Power of Water{Mirasu Emoto}There Are No Accidents,Rational Mysticism, Wishing Well,How to Win Friends and Influence People, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living {pretty much anything by Dale Carnigie}, Psycho-Cybernetics-A New Technique for Using Your Subconscious Power,The Teachings of the Dalai Lama, A Course in Miracles{although I haven't finished it yet..1000 pgs?}
Edgar Allen Poe, Sylvia Plath,Oscar Wilde,Shakespeare and many other old writers.
P.S.{I will not date a man who doesn't read!}


I've noticed many people who give some sort of "disclaimer" on here against having heroes...I find this a little sad.
I believe we are not here to be "perfect", but to try our best to evolve,inspire,love, and to just be. If your hero let's you down, he/she's only reminding you that he's/she's human too.

... Jesus (as I 'saw' him when I was a child)-a perfect example of Love
,Einstein,Gandhi,Mother Earth,Jane Goodall,Helen Keller,Mother Theresa,
Mt. Luther King,Jr., Michael Tsarion,
Jordan Maxwell, David Icke,Frida Kahlo,
Prince,,Jamie Lee Curtis,
All of the indians who suffered
and fought for their land and their lives,
Any man who can adore me
for all that I am good and bad...
and keep my interest beyond two months
{ or two days for that matter!}
Chris Farley {for making me laugh so hard I almost pee my pants},
anyone who really cares!!!...Anyone who has the guts to speak their truth
-so long as it is based in Love
my dead cat{Lasher}-I'll miss you always beautiful boy, see you on the "other side"
Lucas too!.... and LOVE LOVE LOVE!

My Blog

What Is Spirituality?

  ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Tony P Date: May 23, 2008 2:09 PM Thanks ~ Delly Doolittle*Happy World Veggie Week e Date: May 23, 2008 1:42 PMhttp://i115.photobucket....
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Sat, 24 May 2008 05:28:00 PST

Awareness and Emotions

  ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: lightworkers_________________________________Awareness and Emotionsby Peggy Black_________________________________ Your emotions are l...
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Tue, 20 May 2008 08:29:00 PST

The Energy Of Love

  ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: lightworkers___________________________The Energy of Loveby Brian Weiss, MD___________________________ For several hundred years, peop...
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Tue, 20 May 2008 08:25:00 PST


Perhaps the biggest sin is believing that we don't deserve love ; from ourself or others.
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Fri, 16 May 2008 12:03:00 PST


The thoughts that come often unsought, and, as it were, drop into the mind, are commonly the most valuable of any we have.               ...
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Thu, 15 May 2008 07:25:00 PST

why do you think you are alive?

What was the first thing that popped in your head?Give me your most honest answers. If you don't 'know', fine. Just tell me what you 'think'.
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Fri, 09 May 2008 01:01:00 PST

Alien Agenda ( 3 parts )

I have only begun to look at this  at the moment. I wanted to make sure I saved it here though. It seems to be a lot of interesting info. ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From:...
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Fri, 09 May 2008 12:40:00 PST


If time is an illusion, we have nothing to waste. Ha ha! I like this. Someone just posted it on their update.
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Sat, 03 May 2008 05:25:00 PST

Star Beings

  ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: CàMDate: Apr 23, 2008 5:24 AM ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: DedroidifyDate: 19 Apr 2008, 05:28-------------...
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:22:00 PST

Owen Waters--The Nature Of Evil

  ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Tony P Date: Apr 21, 2008 7:14 PM Thanks ~ WILDRAWj Betwixt kThe Nature of Evilby Owen WatersIn order to understand the nature of evil,...
Posted by Lady Of The Trees on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:52:00 PST