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I think that you people probly won"t READ this because normally people love to ask and never browse for the details.
So i"ll BLA BLA a little bit hoping you people not reading it.
Here We Go: I like people who are chill nice and down to earth. It doesn"t mean that you have to be preety or attractive, because i do think preety ppl are lame. I preferred hanging around with those ppl that are really fuck up, so that i can just fuck around with them.
NERD GEEKS FREAK or whatever ,you are all welcome
HonEsTly, I loVe aLl tYpeS oF muSiC. It dEpEnds wHat kiNd oF moOd InTo iT~!!
*raScaL fLaTs*
*baCkStrEeT boYs*
*sHayNe waRd*
*98 deGreEs*
i loVe sUspEnsE, draMas, coMedy, hoRroR, i loVe iT aLl.
*sOmEtHiNg daT haV a niCe gRapHic n soUndS suRroUndIngs*
wHat woUld i waTch iF i duN eVen haV a caBle foR waTchIng a tV sHow
*aMeriCan iDoLs*
*aMeRicaN nExT toP modeL*
*pRojeCt ruNwaY*
*tHe faShiOn
sOmEthIng daT caN gaIn ouR geNeraL kNowLedGe.
*sTuDy moRe iN uR sChoOl liFe wHiLe u caN , sO tHat u nVr reGreT oNe daY*
aLwaYs sTay oN toP oF dE gaMe anD bE coNfiDenT oNseLf foR doIn eVerY maTter sO yoU duN nEed oF oNe oF iT tO coNtiNue liViNg~hErO waS foR soMeoNe uNmaTureD.~!
* MY MOM *