cry me a fucking river, justin timberlake.
clicky here
if the box doesn't work :>
they can't help that they are,
better than you =]
contest site run by me && ashlie.
RIP Daniel && Jon
[my heroes]
i don't know where i'd be without them.
Richard Yen Hao Chu, I have no idea where the hell i'd be without him. He's serioiusly my everything, he makes me smile whenever I'm sad, but that's rarely since to him I'm always smiling heh. =] I love him with all my heart, and I'd hate for him to leave. We can talk about almost anything and everything and believe me the stuff we talk about is crazy lol. But he's a great person and I admire him for that. && hun, you better not go fat on meh lol. Remember, I'd be dead if you did haha. Hehe, I love you
ahhh! shanna my bff. lol i love her to death. this frickin blasian person lol. she's great to be around. she's pretty crazy. lol.
Chasie, you know at times i yell at you. but i still love ya. i am of course the "mother" of all of us lol. it's great talking to you. && your randomness. lol.
ahh my dear ashlie, she's the greatest person alive. lol me && her with our scene hair obsession. running a contesto site together. whoo. do we love taking pics heck yes we do. haha ily ashlie! =].
monica jeebus. any day without her is no fun. she brightens up everything. her && her unique style of dressing. if she ever dressed normal. that would be totally weird. lol.
joshua, the man wh0re of us all. but he's awesome too. him & his hair ... even though he cut it & it makes me sad =[ i still love him. he's great to talk to. why does he have a thing for asians? don't know .. or do i? lol.
still editing. don't worry i didn't forget you. =]