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Dänker Flaügderbjörf

Someday, it will all be over.

About Me

I am the one person you could depend on. Seriously, I know what to do when it all starts coming to an end. You think that the collapse of civilization as we know it is an impossibility? You’re WRONG! As we speak the Chinese are testing laser based space weapons in an effort to knock out satellite based communications and navigational facilities! The North Koreans have been smuggling nuclear weapons into Syria for years and our own government has succumbed to the foreign moles that have slowly infiltrated it. Who would have thought that Pakistan would train GENERATIONS of troops to learn, live and act like real Americans JUST SO THEY COULD EMBED THEM IN OUR GOVERNMENT IN AN EFFORT TO TAKE OVER THE UNITED STATES!

My Interests

My only interest is in furthering the human race by ensuring that quality people survive the first few nuclear bombardments. While the first attacks might be a complete surprise, I can guarantee that if you survive the first wave, the only way you will live to survive the next few waves of nuclear bombardment will be by using the knowledge I have given you. By joining me, by combining our manpower and dedication we can ensure that the good people survive. Only then, only by saving the good people, can we rebuild into the place it should always have been.

I'd like to meet:

I’d like to meet other people who are willing to learn the tricks of the trade, those secrets held by the government’s most elite operatives and it’s highest ranking officials; the secrets that can allow us all to live a bit longer. World War III is imminent, we won’t be given any warning and many of us will perish in the initial onslaught of nuclear weapons. However, those of us that have the proper knowledge will know where we can go and be safe. By using skills that I can teach you, you will be able to beg, borrow, fight, coerce, or break into any of a number of ‘nuclear safe’ facilities.


Here you go people, post nuclear survival tip number one: Don’t listen to music. Not now, and not after the nuclear apocalypse. Much like the Pakistanis have infiltrated our government by generations of soldiers to legitimately gain government positions, cold war era Russian scientists are now (and have been for many years) in the employ of the Jordan government discovering ways to intercept radio signals in the U.S., embed their own subliminal propaganda, and then re-propagate those radio signals out to millions of radios all over the U.S. My suggestion would be to stay away from the Radio. ESPECIALLY SATELLITE RADIO!


Movies unfortunately suffer the same fate as the radio. Well, most movies do. It is a little known fact that any movie made since 1973 has had to be edited and cut together in India. Due to secret lawsuit initiated by the MPAA no one in the U.S. is allowed to see a movie without paying for it. Since it was discovered that move editors would watch entire films without every paying for that privilege, the MPAA moved to make editing of movies illegal in the U.S. While the U.S. government was smart enough to fight back and retain the right for any Joe Schmoe to edit their own personal movie, large movie studios MUST offshore their editing. All of this editing work has secretly occurred in India for years. This, however, has made us vulnerable to receiving subliminal messages by watching movies that have been edited and spliced together by secret propaganda editing operatives deployed in India and working for Jordan.


Television was spared the fate that movies suffered. The U.S. government learned it’s lesson in that MPAA case and has since ruled that television shows that originate in the U.S. MUST be edited it he U.S. Obviously the government knew that television would be an attack vector. Unfortunately, in an effort to more easily control the content on U.S. television, all television shows are produced and own by Viacom. There are no non-Viacom channels, networks, or series. The small country of Comoros has (by using it’s stash of Nazi gold) indirectly bought Viacom and is in the process of slanting all U.S. television to be exclusively pro Comoros.


Books have, and will forever be, the oldest carriers of subliminal propaganda. Every country infects the books of every other country with propaganda. This is so prevalent that not a single book can be trusted. Indeed, most books have been propagandized by so many different countries, governments and large corporations that there is an estimated 98.3% chance that any book you read that is more than three months is filled with at least two conflicting subliminal messages. I would simply suggest not reading at all.


In our world there are no heroes. However, in time, the heroes will start to come out of the woodwork. WE are the heroes, not because of what we have done, but because of what we will do. The world will survive because of us.

My Blog

Mad cheese comes from mad cows.

Posted by Dänker Flaügderbjörf on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:57:00 PST


Posted by Dänker Flaügderbjörf on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 06:18:00 PST


Posted by Dänker Flaügderbjörf on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 05:45:00 PST