"I'm young enough to be all pissed off, but I'm old enough to be jaded"
Apparently I describe my idea of a good date as:
You know that scene in the movies where two lovers are running through a field in slow motion, about to be reunited, and the music is all dramatic? It's kind of like that, except you hug some random guy and I tap you on the shoulder and say, "I'm the blurry guy from the Internet."
follow roblevin at http://twitter.comI used to have a much longer About Me but the above pretty much sums it up. Though I'm much more positive than pessimistic these days, so who knows.
In any event, I don't really know what the point of myspace is. I'm only on here to keep up with old friends (facebook does a better job), network for the job (see my rolodex or facebook again), or meet girls. In terms of the latter, the prospect of meeting women online isn't very promising. Especially here. I've got high standards.