Hello 2 Everyone !!! ;) & Thanks for stopping by & please ENJOY YOUR STAY in JACKIE LAND.... ;)
Special Thank You 2 everyone who participated & visited us this year @ our "2nd Annual Fly Honey's Bikini Bike & Carwash!" Check back for updated promos & nightlife appearances...
For those of you who ARE NOT familiar with The Fly Honeys & our extraordinary events.. We're a group of 12 to 15 young, Beautiful models who not only hold Bikini Car Washes each year, but also host nightlife events, parties, special events & charity promos. We're available for promotional photo shoots, publicity, flyer & ad campaigns, and carwash events. ~If you'd like to book the Fly Honeys, individually or as a group for your special event or shoot- simply leave a detailed email including the anticipated schedule dates. We look foward to working with your company . :)
~Sexy Ladies~, if you are interested in becoming one of the "Fly Honeys", you are welcome to submit photos of yourself & your resume info. for review...
~ Thanks again to all the CRAZY & kind people of the "Myspace Generation" for your constant compliments, invites & ALWAYS interesting amounts of info.- which I otherwise may not hav been able to experience...
For any further updates, be sure to come back and visit me here or at my personal website portfolio- www.getjaclynn.com ! ! ;) xoxo -JP
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