money. bars. music. road trips. pool games. fishing. alcohol. truth. freedom. knowledge. LIFE. REVOLUTION.
id like to meet people that inspire and motivate me to keep striving toward my goals, and to NEVER stray from that path. no matter how rough the road may get, or how far-fetched the goal may seem. after all, as i once heard a wise man say... "Shoot for the moon, if you miss? youre STILL among the stars" ;)
all music. music drives me. inspires me. motivates me. moves me. music is one of the biggest blocks of the foundation of all in existence.
adult swim. cnn. history channel.
BIBLE. Quran. 120. 48 Laws of Power. Voice of Knowledge. Behold a Pale White Horse. Art of War. keep your mind HEAVY. "wisdom is the principle thing, for kings n queens..."
heroes die. i look up to the stars.