plate-throwing debates, shame (and lacks thereof), battle, grog, obsolete vernacular, balance, excessive use of punctuation, tribulation, trials, mysterious potions in tiny vials, bile, things Elizabethan, fuliginous humour, Earl Grey,hooligans and heathens,leather boots,winter, cold nights, knight errants, arrant knaves, the Queen of Spades, nicknames, patronyms, pangrams, thieves' cant, Fenya, being obnoxiously Russian, trying to reconcile the inverse proportionality of adorable and tall, activity specific architecture like wailing walls, beer halls, ginger beer, drinking songs, perfect pitch, defenestrations and other hilarious forms of revenge, Stonehenge, resenting morning people, chortling, learning to play a portable instrument, Gauls, Visigoths, dirt, rain, braids and knots,hating your verbal plumage, the heebie-jeebies, failing at being a grown-up, unexpected last lines, tautology
People who have absolutely no interest in Just Being Liked. Others who truly fathom the ineffable horrors of April. The Lorax, Leroy Brown, Kit Marlowe, Thomas Hobbes, Dr. Who, Anna Akhmatova, Joan Jett and anyone else who fancies they know something about vitriol.
Bands that don't cause a boredom-coma. Also, Beethoven, balalaika, mid twentieth century blues, David Bowie, and several other things that either do or don't begin with the letter B.
Cemetery Man and other movies that don't underestimate the importance of dirt and a well tailored white shirt. Also, movies where stuff blows up, and David Lynch.
I like the sci fi channel, pro wrestling, and cartoons. You can judge me. How's that going?
Anna Karenina, de Beauvoir's All Men are Mortal, A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain, National Geographic, One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, The Amber Room, The Salmon of Doubt, Leonard Cohen's Book of Longing, Stasis and the Body, Vegetarian cookbooks in general, Her Smoke Rose Up Forever, The Dangerous Book for Boys, World War Z, the plays of Tom Stoppard, The Man Who Was Thursday, Tycho & Kepler,and Vertigo's Fables series.
Baby penguins, J.K. Rowling, and people who clean up their own mess.