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Scriptures to Pray for the President, Our Leaders, and the NationThe following Scripture verses have been adapted to be prayed back to God. Use them to pray for the President, members of his cabinet, the Supreme Court Justices, leaders of Congress, or local officials. They are also appropriate to pray for church leaders and pastors.PRAYERS FOR THE PRESIDENTI pray that You, O Lord will continually bring goodness and sweetness into the President's life rather than sorrow, causing him to know that taking joy in You makes him strong. --Nehemiah 8:10I pray that the President will delight himself in You, Lord, knowing that You will give him the desires of his heart. --Psalm 37:4I pray that the President will trust in You, Lord, with all his heart, and lean not on his own understanding. I pray that in all his ways he will acknowledge You, and You will direct his paths. --Proverbs 3:5-6I pray that you will always help the President to have a gentle answer that turns away wrath, keeping him from harsh words that stir up anger. --Proverbs 15:1O Lord, remind the President continually that You alone are His strength, and that it is You who allows him to accomplish any high and lofty goals. --Habakkuk 3:19I pray than when the President faces obstacles he will remember that victory comes not by might nor by power, but by Your Spirit. --Zechariah 4:6I pray that the President will always love You O Lord, with all his heart, with all his soul, with all his mind, and with all his strength and that he will love his neighbor as himself. Make him aware that there is no greater command than this. --Mark 12:30-31O Lord, grant that President Bush remembers often Your deep and abiding love for him, knowing that he will ultimately be victorious spiritually because You died for him. --Romans 8:37I pray that President Bush will put bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil away from him with all malice. I pray also that kindness, tenderheartedness and forgiveness will characterize him, just as they do God and His Son Jesus Christ. --Ephesians 4:31-32I pray that the President will turn to you for his strength, knowing that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him. --Philippians 4:13I pray that you will grant the President the passion and the will to do all his work heartily, remembering that he is serving You and not men. --Colossians 3:23O faithful Lord and God, strengthen and protect the President and guard him from the evil one. --II Thessalonians 3:3I pray that the President will submit willingly to You, O God, resisting the devil so the enemy will flee from him. --James 4:7I pray that the President, by doing good, may silence the ignorance of foolish men. --I Peter 2:15I pray, God, that President Bush will resist the temptation of pride and will humble himself under Your mighty hand, that in Your time you may lift him up. --I Peter 5:6Lord, I ask You to help President Bush to confess his sins before You, remembering that You are faithful and just and will cleanse him from sin and forgive him for all unrighteousness. --I John 1:9O God, let the President always be confident in approaching You, remembering that You hear his prayers when he asks in accord with Your will. May he always pray this way, with confidence. -- I John 5:14-15 -- - - - - -

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