music. delaware. good times. mischief. east coast. history. british columbia. dance parties. landscaping. tree huggin'. beach. boston. literature. hiking. mixed cds. peach ice tea. museums. american sign language. yellow roses. art. hockey. dressing up. dressing down. camping out. capture the flag. flowers. puddle jumping. french. stand-up comedy. secret agents. fireworks. movie nights. costa rica.
Good storytellers.
ben harper. CSN&Y. stevie wonder. bob dylan. the beatles. stevie ray vaughn. the cure. motown. bob marley. jay-z . head automatica. the doobie brothers. guns n roses. regina spektor. queen. the wreckers. al green. white stripes. jack johnson. fiona apple. motion city soundtrack. southern rock. jimi hendrix. kenny wayne shepherd band. bonnie raitt. citizen cope. george thorogood. jeff buckley. ccr. otis redding. iron and wine. johnny lang. rufus wainwright. anything danceable
back to the future. the endless summer. l'auberge espagnole. forrest gump. sister act 2. the emporer's new groove. wayne's world. you've got mail. high fidelity. roman holiday
the outsiders. the things they carried. the five people you meet in heaven. 1984. harry potter. collected poems of wilfred owen. pride and prejudice. barrel fever. the giving tree
My grandparents. All of them.