"... the sacred scarab that served of main model for the Egyptians, represented the transformation and the resurrection, therefore it apparently appeared of the nothing, what many could call garbage… the sacred scarab of Kheper means the energy of the transformation, the internal renewal of that all we need to inside create space of our life for the new, having the courage to discard what already is old and to accept the resurrection while still alive… “
Quanto a mim, comecei por ouvir os 1ºs beats aos 12 anos e mais tarde em ’90 / ’91 gravei cenas maradas com voz, e pessÃma qualidade, eu e Dizzy Dog Rick. Só comecei a produzir instrumentais em ’95, quando conheci grandes amigos, X-Tortion da bairrada, k me iniciaram na produção e com os quais gravei as primeiras participações. Em ’96 surge o projecto Brigada 605 Forte com Shaecir (de uma terra distante para mim, Fafe) e as primeiras músicas são gravadas e divulgadas no programa Repto de José Mariño, na antena 3. Gravamos 3 maketes. Em 2000 finalizamos esse ciclo e partimos pro projecto actual, Substanza, k conta com 2 maketes...
As for me, I started for hearing 1ºs beats to the 12 years and later in ’90/’91 I and Dizzy Dog Rick recorded crazy scenes of bad quality . I only started to produce instrumentals in ’95, when I knew great friends, X-Tortion from Bairrada, they initiated me in the production and with which i recorded the first colab. In ’96 the project Brigada 605 Forte started with Shaecir (from Fafe).The demos played in the program Repto of Jose Mariño, in Antena 3. We record 3 demo tapes. In 2000 we finish this cycle and we started another project, Substanza, that record 2 cd’s...
A solo, tenho as várias maketes de instrumentais: "Desvio Pra Um Novo ImpossÃvel" (’98), "Pós-Desvio" (’98), "Justiça Será Feita" (’2003) e "Injustiça" (’05). Brevemente haverá novidades...
paz, amor e respeito !
At solo, I have got several demo tapes of instrumentals: “Desvio Pra Um Novo ImpossÃvel†(1998), “Pós-Desvio†(1998), “Justice Will Be Done†(2003) and “Injustice†(2005). Briefly it will have new features…
peace, love and respect!Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor