I'll be your Ambulance. profile picture

I'll be your Ambulance.

Discodancer, discodancer,I want to dance with you.

About Me

science geek with an arty streak
August 2006 an epiphany was had. It changed me a bit, and I'm glad it did. A street performer induced it by doing nothing more than his job, his passion. I will forever thank him for that.
Every so often I forget about that epiphany and everything goes wrong, then it all comes back to me and I remember my subconcious promise. I want to keep it. I will. I hope. Fingers cross-ed.
Life is full of negative, just so there's a contrast.
Pretending to be other people entertains me.
I would like to be someone's muse one day.

I can't be nice to people without chatting them up. It's not intentional, it's just the way it happens. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Ink+Blood+FacePaint+Biting+BodyModifications+Burlesque+OldSc hoolManners+Tea+Elegance+Hugs+Dancing+Contrasts+Deviantart

I'd like to meet:

More Lovely People.

Robin Hood.

Some people I have met before, but not for long enough.



I like and love a lot of different music. You may not like it, but that is your opinion. I'll give anything a go, can't promise I'll like it mind, but try me.






Harry, Luci , The Space Cowboy, Lucifire, Lee Miller, Audrey Hepburn

My Blog


There are very few words for the way I feel right now. But life just went from being really rather nice, to being flooded with negativity and complete rubbishness in the space of a week. Exams ruin li...
Posted by I'll be your Ambulance. on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 04:55:00 PST