music, dj stuff, guitar stuff,- strange phenomena
promoters of revolutionary events ideas, artists, iconoclasts, new paradigms, musicians, groupies, unicorns and space dolphins
retro ambient, psychedelic rock, EDM, techno, psy trance , dub, acid ,noise,- bands like KLF, Frank Zappa, Daft Punk, Space Tribe, The Orb, Pink Floyd, Ozric Tentacles, Fila Brazillia, Future Sound of London, Dj Dan, UberZone, Children of the Bong, Dj Soulslinger, Dan Hicks, Tom Waits, Primus, Mike Patton, Brazillian Girls, John Lennon, Ozzy, Psychic TV, and a little Willie Nelson. You know... the classics... and a ton of left field stuff you probably never heard of
Holy Mountain, Slacker, Uncle Meat, Fire Walk With Me, What The Bleep!, The Ring, Altered States, 80's porno
mexican tv, Huell Howser
Alan Watts, Tao of Pooh, Anarchist Cookbook, Asimov, Carl Jung, Stalinov Grof, Alexander Shulgin, Castaneda, Vice Magazine, Juxtopose, Thomas Guide, Club International
the homeless, Bob Marley, RFK, Jello Biafra, Teddy Roosevelt, Terrance McKenna, Syd Barrett, Howard Stern, Michael Moore, Genesis P. Orridge, Snoop Dog, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Garcia, Baba Bouey, Father Guido Sarducci