I'd like to meet:
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Whatever makes my blood pump to the point where if you fuck with me enough i'll kill ya. =)
Too many to list. I can watch movies over and over and over.
My mother for having all of us and caring and giving all that she could to show us what true love was. My father for supporting us and showing us what a father could, should and will do to give the best life that he can for his children. My brothers for protecting and showing me what it takes to grow into a man. For helping me through my problems and giving me direction to not fall into the traps that this life can throw at you. For showing me my first true passion which was music and giving me the drive to become the musician that i am. My sisters for showing me what women really have to go through in a world where they are looked down upon. For teaching me how to respect women and have patience. And finally, my son. My life and my world. Only a year old but he has shown me so much about life. Watching him learn things everyday brings a smile to my face. To see him smile when he sees me walk into the room and hold out his arms for me to pick him up brings a tear to my eye every time. He has given me the drive to want to better myself and become the man that i need to be for him. =)