I enjoy watching cinema, foreign and independent films in particular. I also enjoy appreciating art from all types and forms. My favorites range from Rivera to Goya, whether it's realism, contemporary, classic, murals, and/or especially surrealism. I love listening to music and playing guitar, most of the cases I try to write my own music and sing as well. I love to write, whether it's poetry, random thoughts, scripts for future film prospects and or music. I love hanging out with my friends, going out to bars and clubs on accasion. Really I'm pretty spontaneus person so everyday I'll be doing something different, I try not to fall into a routine cause when you're there you'll get boring and predictable, which is what I'll hate to become. The only thing I do on a routine basis is exercising. I believe having a balance between what is spiritual, your mind, and your body is essential in becoming more complete. One more thing that I enjoy watching and or doing, sports, I'm a big bears fan and even bigger soccer fan. GO PUMAS!!!!! Y PUTO QUE LE VAYA AL AMERICA!!!!!!!
Anyone and Everyone...........No one in particular, people are people and very interesting. Each mind is its own universe and always has something to contribute in this crazy but interesiting life.
I love Rock'n'Roll, particularly Rock en Espanol!!!!!!!! But it isn't just what I listen to, suprisingly enough I do like Flamenco, Tango's, Classical Music especially classical guitar, Mariachi's, Guapango, some opera, (YIKES), Bolero's, Blues, (man I love Blues, like zz top said, "blues had a baby and it named it rock'n'roll), and old school jazz. I would have to say that Led Zeppelin is my favorite group and in my opinion the best of all time, but that's just me. I love Caifanes and Heroes del Silencio. Music, even though this might too much of a cliche, music is the universal language, it moves us beyond comprehension and it allows us to connect with that piece of music in a very personal way. And the feeling is amplified and much more intensified when your making music, I guess that's why I like all sorts, cause they all do have something to say.
Though I work in TV I really don't watch it at times. Though the history channel has a lot of really cool stuff. Simpsons and Family Guy really make me laugh though.
My preference in books is really diverse, even though I mostly read in Spanish. I like to read from politics, history, novels, poetry, philosophy and culture analytical books. I like the old poetic classics such as, The Iliad and Odessey, The Aenid, Metamorphisis, The Divine Comedy, El canto de Mio Cid or El Poema del Mio Cid, Don Quixote de la Mancha. Just to name a few. My favorite authors are: Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, Federico Garcia Lorca, and Miguel de Cervantes. Just to add, I think reading enriches the mind and is a step towards being a little more universal. It eliminates the ignorance from our lives and creates a more open mind. Reading is the source to where new ideas are born and thus makes one a little more dynamic and interesting. My personal belief is applying these ideas to everyday life so one doesn't just experience life in a book because living is more than just reading. There are lot of everday things that one learns in life, what people would call "street smarts", that one can't learn in books. Ok that's it, sorry if I bored anyone who has read this, it's just a little insight of what and who I am.
My brother Juan is definetely a person that I look up to now and who has changed me in the most positive way imaginable. Life to me now is changed, as is life in general, always changing, always growing. My driving spirit will forever be my little brother Juan......Mi angel de la guardia y eterno companero de la vida de la cual se que siempre estare en buena compania. Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, por su espiritu de libertad y querer romper con la injusticia y corrupcion de la vida social, por su definicion del ser humano y tambien porque lucho contra el imperialismo estadonidense. El Sub, por seguir la lucha que el general Zapata empezo un siglo antes y demostrar que la gente de Chiapas existen y reconocer que no pararan de luchar. Emiliano Zapata por su nobleza y lucha para la igualdad de la vida campesina y demostrar que los indigenas de Mexico es nuestra verdadera identidad. Jesucristo por ensenarnos al camino de la verdad de la cual nos libera en el interior y en el espiritu.....y esa verdad es amor.