On the day I was born the doctor took one look at me and said "Nurse leave this one alone." You see, the thing was he could tell just by looking that I was indeed bad to the bone.
Feels like it's about time to update the old bio again. So here's the dirt on me... I'm a multi-instumentalist singer-songwriter. I began "seriously" (or at least frequently) writing and recording songs when I got my 4-track about 10 years ago. Although my first band, the highly influential and yet obscenely underrated "The Beefy-T's," have recordings dating back prior to that.
So after recording a few hundred or so songs on my trusty old 4-track and showing consistent improvement I moved from wildly amateurish to arguably-still-amateurish-but-much-less-so-compared-to-the-e
arly-days. I finally took the plunge into the crazy world of computer recording in early 2006. After a bit of an adjustment period I'm starting to feel more comfortable with it and am quite enjoying having a lot more tracks to play around with.
I'm also down with playing live, although my live show tends to be a bit of a different beast than the recorded output. Since there aren't 15 of me to sing multiple parts while simultaneously playing guitar, cello, and flugelhorn it tends to be more of a stripped-down affair. I'm not entirely opposed to the whole backing band thing, but there's a certain freedom to just playing solo that's quite nice as well. At any rate I'm quite happy to play live pretty much anywhere at any time so if you'd like to have me play feel free to ask. I don't even charge an appearance fee, although I do require my special brand of mineral water. Just kidding. I hate mineral water.
I think that pretty much covers it but if you have any further questions feel free to drop me a line.