Acting,Real Hip Hop,Writing Lyrics,Myspace,Movies,Beautiful,Exotic Women,Martial Arts,Making Money,Oh and did i mention WOMEN!
Nelson Mandela,Max "GOLDIE" Julien,Martin Scorsese,Robert Deniro,Laurence Fishburn,Sade,PRINCE.....And 1 Day GOD!
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Hip Hop/Old School Hip Hop/Reggae/Prince/R&B
Myspace Layouts
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Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts href=""Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts href=""
Myspace Layouts
The Sheild,OZ,The Boondocks,Wild Out
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Labyrinth-Randall Sullivan, Pimpnosis-Tracy Funches,The Game-Neil Straus-Gentleman of Leisure-Mr. Untouchable,The Secret
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From Quiznos,Subway,Blimpie's,and in Flatbush the corner Bodega
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