Things that make U go UMmm...;-0 Pretty P~ profile picture

Things that make U go UMmm...;-0 Pretty P~

It's A Hard Pill 2 Swallow when They tell U Ur Strange and U @int HOT but in the Blink of & EYE

About Me

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I try to live each day like it's my last Becasue you never know when it will be your time to go! and I try to enjoy all that life has to offer me.
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life
* So Basically... *
Name?: Parisse
Age?: 25
Sex?: female
Birth Date?: 6-5-81
Hair Color?: Black
Eye Color?: brown
Height?: 5' 7
Weight?: 135
Body Type?: average
Piercings?: my ear's
Tattoos?: maybe 1day
What are you wearing right now?: a pair of Seven jeans and a Le Tiger shirt
Hair style at the moment?: dobbie
* Favorites *
Soda?: I dont really drink soda but if I do Pepsi
Food?: anythang Iam greddy except Chidlens
Drink?: Juice
Alcoholic Drink?: Vodka, Moet(Nectar Champagne) Hypnotic
Time of day?: Night or Evening
Season?: Winter
Day of the week?: Friday
Song at the moment?: Ring tha alram
Band/Artist?: Neyo
Book?: Zane
Subject in school?: Computer's
Place in the USA?: ATL
Place outside the USA?: Europe
Color?: Purple
Style of clothes?: I just wear what makes me look good and feel good
Store?: Macy's, the Gap Victoria Secret, Coach
Mall?: It really does not matter
City?: NY ..Of course
Website?: Talk of New
Magazine?: Does Not matter
Kind of pet?: Cat
* Worst *
Place to be?: A third World Country
Class in school?: Math .... hate it ...
Time of dayr?: Morning
Season?: I like all season's I cant really complain
Kind of pet?: Birds.. they make too much damn noice in the morning
Drink?: N/A
Food?: Chidlens and liver....ewww
Mall?: N/A
Store?: doesnt matter
Style of clothes?: N/A
Celebrity?: I could careless about a celebrity's
Color?: n/A
Book?: no answer
Type of music?: no answer
Website?: no answer
Magazine?: no answer
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: well it's Saturday2 day so i got up at 12pm
What is your first thought?: I need to brush my teeth ...Damn my breath stink
What do you do first?: Brush my teeth wash my face
What's your usual outfit?: Iam chillen in the house so my tee shirt and pantties
What's the first class of the day?: no Class it's Saturday
When does school end?: It ended already i just finished college
Do you see your friends?: yea at least once a week
What do you do when you get home?: it was friday yesterday so i got home at 12am ha ha
What time do you go to bed?: 1am
* Do you...*:
Brush your teeth daily?: hell yea .. too cute to have stank breath
Brush your hair daily?: yup
Shower daily?: of course gotta wash my pu#$*y and my body
Sing?: in the shower and.. when I have my me time
Dance?: yea all the time in tha mirror lol
Party?: not as of latetly
Get drunk?: I dont get drunk I get's not cute to be swaying all over the place
Have sex?: lol... way to much info naw 4 real last saturday
Read books?: all the time ..haha reading is fundamentl
Listening to music a lot?: yup
Read magazines?: yes
Go online a lot?: yeseir
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: no that's alittle OD (over doing it)
Have a religion?: Christian
Have an IPod?: nope
Want an IPod?: nope
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: I dont have a Boyfriend I have a MAN big diffrence..lmao
Play an instrument?: wish i did
Get sick a lot?: nope
Watch TV?: yup
Like MTV?: it's okay
Like VH1?: yup
Like the History Channel?: yes it depends on what's on
Have Digital Cable?: yessir
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: yes
Listen to the radio?: not as offten as I should
Still use your CD player?: yea but dont tell no one
Stalk people?: i did once (not cool) i was young
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: no that's too much people to keep up with
Have dial-up internet?: hell no that's so old school I have Optimum online
Have AOL?: no
Know HTML?: yes
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: no it was lower then that
Get H's in honors classes?: yea once
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?: yup
R & B?: yup
Blues and/or Jazz?: sometime
Classical?: no
Pop?: yup
Country?: somtime around my grandmother she loves it
Emo/Scremo?: no
Heavy Metal?: no not my style
Christian?: no
Techno?: no
Reggae?: yup
Broadway Musical songs?: sometime depending on the Play
Oldies?: no
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?: doesnot matter
Eye color?: doesnt matter
Tattoos?: doesnt matter
Piercings?: it's okay but on place wired
Favorite Music?: doesnt matter
Style of clothing?: well it does not matter as long as it not dirty lol
Body Type?: averge
Personality or Looks?: some one who is real
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: no because it doesnt mean that they are giving it to me
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: never
Does size matter?: ha ha lol to tell the truth it's all on what u do wit it
Do they have to be popular?: I rather not
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: it's 2006 it's does not matter
Where do you go on the first date?: doesnot matter..except the club
Kiss on the first date?: yes I love to kiss
Sex on the first date?: it depends on how long u knew the person
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: of course i do
Are you eating something?: nope
Are you drinking something?: nope
Are you IMing anyone?: no
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: nope
Are you talking face to face with someone?: no
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?: no
What song are you listening to?: nothing
What are you watching on TV?: Iam not sure Iam not really paying attention to the TV
What other websites do you have open?: Myspace
Why are you taking this survey?: because I want to
Where are you going to post it?: myspace
What are you going to do after this?: get somthing to eat Iam hungry
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: yes
The afterlife?: yes
Aliens?: I wouldnt say aliens but other forces
God?: I sure do God is good all the time
The devil?: yes .. he's all around
Heaven?: yes
Hell?: I an not sure If I belive in hell because God is a loving God why would he subject somone to that
Scientology?: Iam not really into that but I would not knock any one elses belives
Hinduism?: Iam not really into that but I would not knock any one elses belives
Buddhism?: Iam not really into that but I would not knock any one elses belives
Christianity?: yes
Taoism?: Iam not really into that but I would not knock any one elses belives
Judism?: Iam not really into that but I would not knock any one elses belives
Jesus?: of course
Reincarnation?: Iam not really into that but I would not knock any one elses belives
Yourself?: yes I do because if I dont who will
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?: yes
Where were you going?: ATL,
Have you been to another country?: yes I went on a cruise with my grandmother to the Bahammas
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: no !! but I want to
Have you ever partied in another country?: no
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: yea it was crazy we drove to ATL
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: hell no that a little to much
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: no i dont have to pretend if i like you then i like you not 4 what you have or can offer me
Talked about someone behind their back?: yea back in the days i was young
Had someone talk about you behind your back?: All the time
Been in a fight online?: no ha ha a fight online that's crazy
Been in a fight face to face?: yes
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?: yea because if one of my home girls was fightin so was i
Been called a bitch?: yes but that word does not bother me be cause if someone's calling me a bitch please put the miss in front..haha
Been called a slut/whore?: no
Been to Australia?: no
Do you like snakes?: not really
Ever cried to get your own way?: yea
Ever broken a bone?: yea when i was 10
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: yup I have two kids ...(same father)lol ha ha l,ao
Ever had serious surgery?: yea it was scary I alomst died
Ever looked a porn online?: ha ha yea once
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: lol yea
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: nope not my style
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: nope
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: yea sounds crazy but i brought a pair of True Religon
Ever been on stage for any reason?: yes and I love it ..Fashion show's and Play's
Ever been in a play?: yes and I loved every minute of it
Ever been in a choir?: nope
Ever been in a band?: nope
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: nope
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?: once i let my home girl talk me into it never again that shit is painful but it feels sooo smooth
Waxed your eyebrows?: all the time
Waxed your legs?: no
Cut yourself shaving?: yes but dont ask where lol ...
Have you ever died?: nope but along time ago I wanted to
Was this survey an good at all?: yes
What time is it right now?: 5:55pm
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My Interests

Myspace Layouts
Right now my passion is Acting I love to spend time with family& friends clubbing and going to the movies! I love to spend time by my self because if you cant be by your self sometime then how will you know how to be with some one else!!

I'd like to meet:

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Anyone who is positive and doing positive thing's I dont need any drama or melo drama So if your about doing you thang and doing it right. then you are who I wanna meet


Myspace Codes:

I love all music it's a Universal Laguage
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Glitter Images @ Bopmyspace.comI like all movies but Iam really into Horror&Scince Fiction.Every now and then I love to sit back and watch good documentary


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My GrandMother /And Most Of all My self I been through alot in my 25year's on this earth
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