ryan profile picture


I check this crap too much!

About Me

hey people, my name is really Ryan.... Others know me as Raa Raa, Rerun, Caca, or otherwise... I am just a layback kinda guy that check his myspace too much for messages... hey if you know me and is checking out the page, hit me up, if your snooping around my page, leave a comment, and if your digging me, holla at me... Otherwise enjoy the page and pics!!!

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My Interests

the word "interests" is too broad to explain... but you know what, since you where kind enough to look at my profile, a couple of interests are snowboarding, my computer and internet (its fun yo!), PS2, goin to kick it wit the homies, learning new and exciting things, and of course; checking out the hotties... i have more interests but thoses are a few i had to mention to give you an idea what type of guy i am.. and no, im not a geek, just very "interesting".

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to get to know me and likes to have fun.. also, were are all my old friends at?.... width="425" height="350" ..


i like all kinds of music but hip hop is my soul, b/c the chicks in the videos are super hot!!! lol actually i don't watch music videos. As long as i can relate to the music and move and groove to it, its all good to me.. OK Go - "Here It Goes Again" Buy OK Go - Oh No at iTunes.


The debut (totally relate), transformers the movie, scarface, joe dirt (david spade and da mullet), enter the dragon, When harry met sally( watched it upteen times), old school(hilarious!), and theres more but too but i might bore you..


hmm.. That 70s show is tite!! also, king of queens, everyone loves raymond, I haven't got into family guy or american dad.. Smallville is ok and Csi is more ehh then anything... The thing i watch most on Television is Sports and Sportcenter when I get a chance..... width="425" height="350" ..


books are so overrated that i rather settle for the sports section of the newspaper or an interesting Magazine such as the one i subscribe to...


hmm.. spider-man, superman, captian america... wait.. are we talking bout super heroes too???

My Blog

Why Tampico juice is soooo good!!!

    You must be wondering why I am "bloggin" about Tampico juice... If you have not heard of such a juice drink, look for it in the refrig section next to the "cheap gallon juice mix". ...
Posted by ryan on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 10:32:00 PST

Seeing people you don’t recongized til it hits you in the head...

        I was at the San Jose Jazz Festival over the weekend, and honestly it wasn't crackin... I learned festivals are for people who like to get drunk in a safe envirom...
Posted by ryan on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:13:00 PST

Rememberance that death is near....

    One more day closer to death, i mean my birthday. Yes, my birthday is on the 28th, and yes i am a June birthday. It is not my fault that alot of people get there action on in septem...
Posted by ryan on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 09:06:00 PST

Memorial day... And what it means to me...

     I bet a whole lot of people love this holiday for its ability to give an indiviual a day off from work, school, or whatever you do. Most people have a day off everyday, but I ...
Posted by ryan on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:29:00 PST

Does collecting transformers makes me.....

            THE BIGGEST, GEEKEST, DORKEST PERSON EVER?? Eh, probably, but I do have a purpose, it is an investment more than anything. I am sticking to tha...
Posted by ryan on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:28:00 PST

Signs of getting old....

        I know I haven't been writing in my blog in the past couple of months, it is because I got lazy with the hole myspace "thing". Also, I've been less on the computer and...
Posted by ryan on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 10:10:00 PST

bitches... why do they exsist??

    I must say, their are a ton of bitches walking this earth. Now, why you ask?? I have no idea. Whoever took down my background on my myspace page was probably a bitch. who knows, any...
Posted by ryan on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 12:29:00 PST

I love slurpee, icees, or watever else its called!

          Hey, what can you say, slurpees are the greatest ice drink this side of the north pole. Okay, we are not near the north pole but it is a great drink. I love dri...
Posted by ryan on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 10:39:00 PST

I am on a Dating slump....

          Hey, I realized something, and I realized this a while ago, I am on a dating slump. I've probably been in this slump for an X amount of months now. It has been ...
Posted by ryan on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 02:07:00 PST

Friday night concert in San Jose

    I must say before I go off subject, Meg and Dia Rocks and I must say i think i am in love with either meg or dia.. im not picky.. Anyhoo, I went to go check out the concert (Meg and...
Posted by ryan on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 12:44:00 PST