Playing guitar, Hello Kitty, surrealism, fuzzy animals, tattoos, Lewis Black & his 'Candy Corn' sketch "It tastes like SHIT!" um...I know there's more but I can't think right now.
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TONS of bands. Bands I've been listening to the most lately are Paramore, The Used, Strata & Smashing PumpkinsCheck out my band it's www.goodbyegadget.comimg src=" x60(2).gif"
Over the Hedge (It's all about Hammy the squirrel)...Napoleon Dynamite...I love girly movies & movies with happy endings. The new Transformers movie was actually really good...
LOST, Alias, Gene Simmons (hilarious), all off the "SWAT!" shows (Dallas Swat, Kansas City Swat, etc.) I know kinda ironic...
The Paperbag Princess. I don't read much-I get A-D-D.