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About Me

Header Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!Maurice Lance Delk aka Big Reese da rap apostle grew up in the city of Chicago IL. With a rough life as a teen big reese is a former gang member of the Gangster Disciples. He was a gang leader in the streets and in a prison, he joined a gang when he was 15. Between the ages of 15 and 20 he was arrested 17 times during that time he also was a drug dealer. He used to rob people and used to use heroin also was addicted to heroin, and crack and pcp. Every cop knew Big Reese during that time Big Reese had three children. A couple years later they were lost to the state, Big reese life was going down hill. One day Big Reese couldnt take it no more he moved to Milwaukee to change his life but still didnt have jesus. Two years later he got married to trina delk and they had ashleigh (lil Ash) Delk. A few years later they had Markeese Delk their youngest son. As he thought it got better his heroin problem gotten worse. One day a preacher witnessed to him and said you need to get saved. That same night he dreamed he was in hell, woke up out his sleep and gave his life to christ. That's when the lord restored his life the three children that he lost to the state Maurice (lil reese) Delk, and Kristel Delk, and Lance Delk, are back in his life. Now Big Reese is The ceo of nu seazin ministries he's here to reach the lost who don't know jesus. Big Reese is the most outspoken christian rapper in Milwaukee. he is banned from many churches because he don't sugarcoat a thing. He doesnt beleive that a human being can ordain people as ministers only god can. like paul said "I got my message" directly from jesus not no one else. Big Reese didnt need a ceremony to become a APOSTLE god came to him and told him I will destroy these temples and rebuild them. Get up and go and start a new church. Big reese never wore a suit since he gotten saved he beleives that this new ministry will reach the people who hate church and the women who can't wear pants in church and who can't afford to pay a tenth every week. Big reese beleives in cheerful giving you will hear more about big reese in a hood near you. big reese believes that the Lord is going to destroy these temples and build the new one. The Lord is going to raise up new ministries. He is going to have crazy looking people preaching in these last days. The ones with the spiked hair, purple hair, and men with earrings in ears preaching, because a three-piece suit or a preacher robe won't reach the rebellious killers out there. Big Reese also believes that when people call these ministers names like pastor john doe, or evangelist blah blah or apostle, woo, woo wasn't like that in the bible. You never heard say apostle paul. It was paul, the apostle. You never heard about them saying prophet david. It was david, the prophet .but you heard titles at the beginning of the pharisees and saducees names. Big Reese believes that bible schools are not of God. Bible schools were for the pharisees and scribes. Church is the body of Christ not the building. The apostles in acts all went door to door. Church is wherever you witness like the jehovah witnesses, we need to go door to door not condoning the jehovah's witnesses beliefs, but we need to go door to door on Sunday mornings instead of warming up the church seats. These preachers need to wake up: Matthew 23 describes the preachers of today. They like to sit in the middle of the pulpit in that special seat and wear long preacher robes. Big Reese is tired of churches begging and asking for who got a thousand dollars or who got five hundred dollars. That's why thugs don't come to church. The new testament talks about cheerfully giving. These churches are sick minded. They need a clean heart. They honor God with their lips but their hearts are far from it. show? but not big reese. He don't care who gets mad. Did Paul care who got mad? No he didn't. Did Jesus care? he called the pharisees hypocrites like big reese is calling a lot of the tv ministers hypocrites. Please believe that very soon it's going to be a reformation. God is going to sit a lot of these big time preachers down. the last thing big reese will say is study for yourself. just study the word of God , because a man will deceive you. - .. CDBABY LINK for LIL ASH: The Young Prophet --

.. CDBABY LINK for LIL ASH: Personal Relationship --

mspmb src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="325" height="234" wmode="transparent" flashvars="imgpath=http%3A// 329/2329887/2329887_12a46f921189570076_m.jpg&glitterp=tr ue&roundp=true&sepiap=false&theme=&shadowp=t rue&bevelp=true&width=325&height=234&imageWi dth=325&instanceid=15883313&userid=-1&createDate String=Sep%2011%20%2707&username=Not%20Registered" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" PASTOR RODNEY CAMPBELL,BIG REESE &BLESSED LES

My Interests


Member Since: 6/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Big Reese Lil Ash Markeese Trina Delk Kristel Lil Mann Lil Reese

Influences: Jesus christ, My wife Trina Delk, and all my children, and Mr. T,gospel gangstaz, and t-bone, and mr. Del, and scribe from blood related who god used to bring me back to christ when i was backsliding.
Sounds Like: Myspace Myspace Graphics
Myspace LayoutsMyspace Layouts Graphics
Myspace Layouts Myspace Layouts
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Posted by BIG REESE on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 08:51:00 PST

To Order Big Reese CDS

ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME:     5DOLLAR$                                            &...
Posted by BIG REESE on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:41:00 PST