no depression music, quick witted private detectives, sloe-eyed dames, david lynch, and those tall motherfuckers who seem to do everything at half the speed and twice the coolness the rest of us mere short mortals do it.
Christopher Walken, Richard E. Grant, and Lou Reed before he got sober. Rehab is for quitters! only really, really good when there's a dobro involved.
adventures in babysitting, really, is at the top of the list. and then after adventures in babysitting there's everything else: m, l'avventura, wonder boys, adaptation., silence of the lambs, la dolce vita, good night, and good luck, sneakers, history of the world part one, sex, lies, and videotape, deconstructing harry, the big lebowski, 12 monkeys, my best friend's wedding, mulholland drive, brazil, pulp fiction, the usual suspects, a very long engagement, syriana and traffic, gone with the wind, walk the line, office space, kinsey, you can count on me, in the cut, pi, insomnia, spoorloos, the talented mr. ripley, elizabeth, cat on a hot tin roof, notorious, rebecca, bound, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, I heart huckabee's, annie hall, reservoir dogs, fight club, manhunter, royal tenenbaums, punch-drunk love, the breakfast club, ghost world, moulin rouge, three kings, the virgin suicides, the insider, dark city, withnail & I, I am trying to break your heart, in the mood for love, 2046, heavenly creatures, working girl, the grifters, coming to america, the cook, the thief, his wife, and her lover, lost in translation, and of course that one with the guy who did the thing and had the problem and faced the adversity and got the girl.
holy shit, I love TV. house, arrested development, quantum leap, west wing seasons 1-3, six feet under, deadwood, alias, curb your fucking enthusiasm, lost, grey's anatomy (don't you judge me!!! I do what I wan!!), law and order and all the baby law and orders, monk, futurama, 24, vintage simpsons, the x-files, huff, family guy, aqua teen hunger force (meatwad, c'est moi), nip/tuck, it's always sunny in philadelphia, deep space nine because captain hawk was the shit, picket fences, the adventures of pete and pete, the jetsons, millennium, dick sargent-era bewitched, seinfeld now and forever, and if it says "meep meep" then it's gold.
vladimir nabokov, jane austen, tom robbins, haruki murakami, margaret atwood, ted hughes, william faulkner, lorrie moore, aleksandar hemon, italo calvino, sylvia plath, james ellroy, ernest hemingway, ishmael reed, katherine mansfield, john steinbeck, isaac babel, z.z. packer, nick hornby, e.e. cummings, antonya nelson, flannery o'connor, gabriel garcia marquez, kelly link, alan moore, george saunders, thomas harris, franz kafka, stanislaw lem, katherine anne porter, harold pinter, carol o'connell, joseph heller, wislawa szymborska, don de grazia, hermann hesse, jack kerouac, james joyce, bret easton ellis, joan didion, kurt vonnegut, james thurber, david mamet, jose rivera, sarah waters, shirley jackson, c.s. lewis, zora neale hurston, kate chopin, edgar allen poe, and dear scott, f. scott fitzgerald.
the person or persons responsible for the "everything" bagel. You rule.