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Eghh... girl lies

About Me

I'm too much a "type A" personality to partially jot something down about me and my life. I consider it too involved a task to undertake the writing of an autobiography no one is going to read, so my compromise is the following, just my out look on life in general: My character has forced me to grow only by method of mistakes and in their painful repair. Though the most painful mistakes have never come with regret; for the out come of the lesson learned, too valuable. With the assurance never the same mistake is made twice and the ability to live everyday able to co-exist with myself. Love, hate, envy, lust, pride, disappointment all these come and go; throughout our stages in life each feeling eclipsing the importance of the last. Yet the one that claims eternity on our soul is regret. Time grants every opportunity it limits. I can remember of all the mistakes and failures that have made me loose the most valuable situations, people and possessions. The outcome of my understanding and growth consoles me of my loss. Of no value is a possession if he that possesses it values it not. In what other instance do we realize the importance of the air we breath except in its deprivation? It is not the decisions or risks in our lives that should cause regret, it is the ones that we don't make that have the potential for irreperable regret. Mistakes will be made on the decisions we make, but to error is human. The inception of forgiveness is error, the origin of anger is the inability to forgive. Now conversely, not taking risks has eternal ramifications, what if i would have done that... would I have lived a life in true happiness. Expiriences last only in the briefest of moments, but memories last eternally as long as they are remembered fondly, happiness is felt in the exact likeness, reality and magnitude indistinguishable from the very first time. The heart claims certainty to nothing, not even its next beat; but one thing it has never failed in knowing is its owner, who is never the same person it occupies.--------------------------------------------------- ------------A few ideas I have come to understand (my quotes):Wisdom is not defined in years lived, but in what you lived in those years.One thing I have learned to expect is to expect nothing. Expectation is the prediction of outcome, which is subject to the outcome of predictions.I have never seen time to heal any wounds, merely to dilute the pain of its venom; it fames forgetfulness yet reminds you in how you have forgotten.Words change nothing until there are no words for the change. ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------My Favorite poem: On the white throat of useless passion That scorched my soul with its burning breath I clutched my hands in murderous fashion, And held them close in a grip of death; For why should I fan, or feed with fuel, A love that showed me but blank despair ? So my hold was firm, and my grasp was cruel--- I meant to strangle it then and there!I thought it was dead. But with no warning, It rose from its grave last night, and came And stood by my bed til the early morning And over and over it spoke your name. Its throat was red where my hands had held it; It burned my brow with its scorching breath; And I knew the moment my eyes beheld it, "A love like this can know no death."For just one kiss that your lips have given In the lost and beautiful past to me, I would gladly barter my hopes of Heaven And all the bliss of Eternity. For never a joy are the angels keeping, To lay at my feet in Paradise, Like that into your strong arms creeping, And looking into your love-lit eyes.I know, in the way that sins are reckoned, This thought is a sin of the deepest dye ; But I know too if an angel beckoned, Standing close by the Throne on High, And you, adown by the gates infernal, Should open your loving arms and smile, I would turn my back on things supernal, To lay on your chest a little while.To know for an hour you where mine completely----- Mine in body and soul, my own---- I would bear unending tortures sweetly, With not a murmur and not a moan. A lighter sin or lesser error Might change through hope or fear divine; But there is no fear, and hell has no terror, To change or alter a love like mine.Ad Finem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.. make
MySpace Editor Rasheed Richmond

My Interests

anything interesting

I'd like to meet:

Dolly Parton, Steven Hawking, Norma Jean, Meryl Streep, my great-grand parents, Pope Pius II, Burt Rutan, Bette Mitler, Henrey Cavendish, Isaac Asimov, Ellen, to name a few


Chopin, Beethoven, Motzart, Queen, Elton John, The Carpenters, Whitney Houston, Kelley Clarkson, Nat and Natalie King Cole, Wilson Phillips, Match Box 20, Diana Ross, Tina Turner, Boy George, The Cranberies, Offer Nissm, Peter Paul and Mary, Three Dog Night, Chicago, Blondie, Cindy Lauper, Dj Able, Niel Diamond, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Buffet, Harry Chapin, The Pretenders, Fog Hat, The Youngbloods, Maroon 5, Madona, Sting, The Police, Peter Rauhaffer, well I could go on... I guess shorter list: everything


Death Becomes Her, Elizabeth, Riding in Car's with Boys, The Notebook(only had the sanity to watch it once), Steel Magnolias, IQ, The Island, Mulin Rouge, Center Stage, Finding Nemo, Evita, Nine to Five, Mermaids, 2001 Space Odysey, White Chicks, Super Star, Pearl Harbor, norma rae, Girls will be Girls, etc...


Bewitched, Get Smart, That Girl, Desperate House Wives, Law and Order, The Price Is Right, Ellen, Oprah, Mary Tyler More, Ab Fab, The Two Fat Ladies BBC Cooking Show, Will and Grace, Carnivale, The David Chapell Show, Crank Yankers, Quantum Leep, I Love Lucy, Simpsons, Futurama, Project Runway, Star Trek (up to Voyager), etc.


Ender's Game, A Brief History of Time, Instant Rapport, Principia Mathematica on Fenomina Naturalis, My Point, and I do Have One


My grandfather