He goes by the name ov J-Zeena & been brought up in the london borough ov Tower Hamlets.J-Zeena first got in to the music game at the age ov 13 by getting hes first set ov kam decks then 1 year on decided he needed 2 step a up a level and get a piar ov technic 1210's but 6-8 months on he no longer felt the music vibe.j-zeena started back up in the music game bout 2 years ago when he was watching hes cousin deverlish make beats.J-Zeena den started to learn how 2 produce grime and old school garage on music programs such ass fruity loops,reason and cubase.J-Zeena ass now got the grime seen on lockdown in the manor by producing hes beats on LOGIC PRO 8. He learned how 2 use logic by messing around with logic express 7