LAP DANCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cowboy boots and bars with ONLY country on the j-box.2 liter wine bottles. Books about stuff that happened a long time ago. LPs in general.i really like the almonds in the mixed nuts from planter's.and black beer from germany, randomly found at spec's on westheimer/montrose makes me very happy.iron maiden makes me happy, and gives me the need to drink black beer from germany.words that mean nothing, or one thing, in one language and something dirty in another. like, say, pikk or tiss.also, wearing shirts and suits everyday while your co-workers talk about the horrors of tattoos.
Rod Steward and Bruce Springsteen
THIN LIZZY, journey, foreigner, at the gates, cave in, DAVID ALLEN COE and steve earle. And "all my rowdy friends" by hank jr. bon jovi, iron maiden. grind, hc, punk and new order. ZERO BOYS!
Word Wars (scrabble documentary. even though i don't like scrabble. i am too stupid)
not really. more obsessive watching of dvds.
the sportswriter, it ain't no sin to be glad you're glad you're alive: the promise of bruce springsteen.
clarence clemons, the dude from san antonio who dj'd at that warehouse party on commerce st and played BON JOVI mashed with 50 CENT, all my friends who are in some hellhole trying to make the world bearable.