KryStaL iS a tRue GemiNi♥ profile picture

KryStaL iS a tRue GemiNi♥

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

♥KrystaL Anne G.♥ a.K.a ♥Lil M!SS baBy $toK3s♥NaMe: KryStaL Ann£ G I.B.P™'s FineSt bit¢H agE: 18 yeaRs olD StaTus: SinGle ResidenCe: borderline of HempStead nnd UnionDale eDucaTion: naSSau CommuNity ¢olleGeHoW I feeL: Makin the beSt out of sitUations, SometimEs they don't turn out my way, Even thoUgh I may regRet everythinG that happeN, at the enD of the day I've leaRned so muCh about LOVE and its crazy wayS.deaR mysPaCE: I tooK the good with the bad... smile with the sad Love what I got And remember what I had... Always forgave But never forgot... Learned from my mistakes But never regret... people change Things go wrong but just remember Life Goes On!! NoOne KnOwS ThE PaIn I'Ve BeEn ThRu… AnD HoW HaRd It Is To SmILe WhEn I JuSt WaNNa CRy BUT ii gottA juST kEEp My HeAd UP

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

The FaMzZ








The hOmiES

Brit Brat




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...About mE...

Eye Color daRk BrowN
Hair Color DarK bRowN
Height 4''11 n a
Favorite Color royal blue, reD, pinK
Screen Name [email protected]
Favorite Band dipSet
Favorite Movie Love & BasketBall
Favorite TV Show GirlFriendS
Your Car cherry reD BMW
Your Crush's First Name i dont got onE
Your Grade 1st yeaR in collegE

...Have You Ever...

Kissed someone in the rain yea..
Danced in a public place yup
Smiled for no reason yea.. i b daydreaminG
Written a song yea...
Sang to someone for no reason yup
Performed on a stage yea...
Talked to someone you don't know lol... yea

Been in love yup...

...Can You...

Write with both hands
Whistle yessir bob
Roll your tongue yerp a derp
Cross your eyes yes...
Touch your tongue to your nose
Dance somethinG im gooD at
Speak a different language yea i talk dat espanol!!
Cook anything

...Finish The Line...

I wish ... i had a billion
So many people don't know ... R.I.P 12/16/06... enuff said...
I am ... KryStaL AnnE G
My heart is ... confuSed cuS i seem 2 still love him wit all the lil pieces of my brokEn heart
The Ultimate MySpace Survey
Name: KrySTaL
Birthdate: june 4th
Hometown: brooklyn
Current Town: borderlinE of HempStead & UnionDale
Gender: Female
Hair Color: jet blaCk
Eye Color: dark Brown

Mom's Name: motheR
Dad's Name: FathEr
Brothers: shaun
Sisters: Kelly
Any Pets?: lik 3 to 4 fisheS
Food: mommy's cooKinG
TV Show: GirlfriendS
Movie: LOve & BasketBall
Band or Artist: Dipset =juelz santanA & Gunit =lloyd BankS
Book: Coldest Winter Ever
Place to Hangout: my rooM
Can you...
Draw: yea... but nothiN speciaL
Cook: yessir bobb
Play an instrument:
Play any sports: does fuckin couNt?!?! LOL sike nah i does traCk
Sing: yup... i got 2 CD's
Shoot a gun: umm... lol
Fight: i dOnt braG about dat shiT... but yea
Drive: yes i stay drivinG
Future Career: AccountanT
In the opposite sex
Hair color: daRk brown to Jet Black
Hair length: i teNd 2 love Baids(medium length hair) but waateVA maKes u looK FLy...
Eye color: reaL eyes... but if ya contaCts looks reall.. u gooD money
Height: 5''11 n talleR
Weight: da least is 175 da moSt is 265... all sike nah u gotta looK right tho.. i dont need a skinny/fat boy!
Personality: hiS honeStly, humOr, thoughtfulneSS, caRinG and mOst of ALL thE way he lovES mE
Interests: wateva roCks ya boat... well u gota have fun... shit lik tak me placES i hate niGGaz who stay home all da timE
Taste in clothes: staY fly
Taste in music: u gotta at leaSt liK dipSet or eveN gUnit
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend but have a crush on someone else?: nah im singLe
Have you ever...
Sky dived: i wiSh could
Been out of the country: yea
Been out of the state: yup
Skinny dipped: YES!!! it was fun as hell
Snuck out of the house: yes... left da crib lik 1am n got baC 430am
Been to a beach: yerp a derP
Kissed a stranger: NEVA!!!!! datS a game 4 hoe n triCks
Been dumped: dump is such a mean worD... but we remained as frienDs... but da answer is yEs
Dumped someone: lik i said... lol but yea
Been on TV: yeaaaa
Been on stage: yeaaa i performed lik 3timeZ
Been arrested: alMost
Been shot with a paintball: lol... neVA
Seen someone die: nah...
Been in a car accident: umm yea
Something to end it with
What languages do you speak?: engLish n lil espanol
Which ones fluently?: engliSh
When was the last time you've been in a relationship?: umm lik 1month agO
What do people find most interesting about you?: everythiNG
What was the craziest thing you've ever done?: alot in da yeaR of 2006
What was the hardest thing you've ever done?: loSIng somethiNG speciaL R.I.P 12/16/06

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