Jordan Amii ♥ JD Urban Media♥ Im Out Of Order profile picture

Jordan Amii ♥ JD Urban Media♥ Im Out Of Order


About Me


ABOUT GYAL LYK ME.. Eye Color:: Browniie.. Hair Color:: Brown!! Height:: Uhmm 5ft Sumtiink Favorite Color:: Piink iitz The Shiit Screen Name:: Boiiz Piiss Me Off.. No Liie Favorite Band:: Uhmm.. Favorite Movie:: Liikkle Mermaiid. A2dagee jus Miisunderstandzz iit Favorite Show:: Priison Break Tha Man iiz The Dope..Desperate Houswiives.. 2Tickxxz Dunno! Your Car:: Not Lewgal But Romiiz My Liil iil Showfer..Nuff Love For Dah.. Your Hometown:: My Bed.. Your Present Town:: Dirrtty Souf.. Crystal Palace Iz Da Desert.. Your Crushes First Name:: Dnt Worry Urself Your Grade:: 10.. Liil Young Mee WHEN I...Sat on your rooftop?: No.Go Up Dere? Ya Mad Kissed someone in the rain?: Yea Dunno Wha Da Hell For.. Danced in a public place?: Baiit Onez.. iitz Rikki'z Fault Smiled for no reason?: Yea All Da Tyme.. ii Got Problemz And So Haz Jerome.. Laughed so hard you cried?: Yea.. NiicoleNikaCherene Pure Jokez.. OOh And My Tigger Hhamal Peed your pants after age 8?: No.. ii Woz Potty Traiined Therez No Need For That Written a song?: Yeah.. To Pariis iit Woz MY Banging Barz!! Sang to someone for no reason?: Yeah iitz A Habiit Now.. Ppl Should Hav Gt Used To iit.. Performed on a stage?: Dancing.. Talked to someone you don't know?: Onlii On Dem Drunk Occasiionz Aliie Lauryn.. Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: No Datz Jus Beggiin iit.. What Do You Take Diis For.. Made out in a theatre?: iitz A *Ciinema* Luv.. And No Comment.. Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Yea .. Nerli Broke Ma Hed Top.. Liike Nicolle Haha Been in love?: NahNarNaa LAST PERSON TO ... Say HI to you?:Riikkii Shelz Hhamal Juniiour.. Tell you, I love you?: Uhmm.. Oh Boii.. Let Me Kno iiniit Kiss you?: Whatz All Diis Now..//..Tehehe Hug you?: Mr.Jordan Dunno Bout Dat..x Tell you BYE?: Pariis On The Fone Rude Bwoii.. Write you a note?: Lauryn iitz On My Bedroom Wall iitz Fukkiiin Funni.. Take your photo?: Mee.. Call your cell phone?: Romayne xXx Give you something?: Uhmm..Pariis Lettiing Me Wear Hiis P Chaiin Go with you to the movies?: Hhamalzz Bdaii Bakk iin The Yearzz. Tymeee Ago.. Sing to you?: Woww Lol Erm..Rikki And Her Lesbiian Actiicz Write a poem about you?: Sum Stalker Boii.. Text message you?: Romii..Niicolle.. Touch you?: My Flea Bitten Narstie Cat.. Are You Dumbbb THE LAST... Time you laughed?: Last Niite At Rikki Danciin Wid So Many Hoodlumz.. Time you cried?: Quiietzz..Alwaiiz Miissed Man..XXxxxxXX Movie you watched?: Liion Kiing..Legend Knowz Bout Da Diisney Fiilmz.. Joke you told?: Uhmm Dnt Kno Bout Jodecii Woz Benniin For Tymee.. Song you've sang?: Im All Alonee.. Therez No One Here Besiide Me.. Joke Time you've looked at the clock?: Well Now Coz U Jus Sed iit.. Drink you've had?: Sum Rum Shotzz At Riikkiiz.. Number you've dialed?: Nicolle Needed 2 Giive Her A Update.. Book you've read?: Dnt Do Readiin.. Food you've eaten?: My/Juniiourz Lolliipop. :)..Ooh Nah Sum Food At Hhamalzz.!! Flavor of gum chewed?: Miint.. Wah Kiind Ov Stoopiidness Shoes you've worn?: Whiite Onez..Gotta Have Colour Co-Ordiinatiion..SupahStarr.. Store you've been in?: Costcutter.. :) Thing you've said?: Are You Dumbbb.. ii Need To Stop Beiin Rude THE END... If ii were a ...: Looser iid Jam Wiith Wastemanz Liike.. We Wont Baiit Ppl Up (*Cough Cough* Kameron) I wish ...: ii Knew My True Onez From Tha Fakez.. So many people don't know that ...: The Real Me They Liike To Judge So Easiily.. I am ...: The Person They Call Jordan.. My heart is ...: Pure..xx||

My Interests



Most people alredi know about me and this girl rite here.. shez like a big twin sister to me.. we're alwaiiz lookin out for each other n crackin mad jokez.. got mad love for her.. n she knowz dis.. dnt try nd parr her or itz all over..xx


This likkle munchkin butt.. iz my lil dawtah mate.. she crakkkkz me up kno matter what.. she iz soo immature itz crazyy her nd her slick hed top bt shez nuff pretti nd i gt psycho love for her..


No matter what.. dis boi may not believe me bt i aint forgot him datz neva da case.. hez too much wid his lil cheeky smile getz me everytyme.. culd tell him netink jus need to get that tightness bak..xx


Neverrrrr forgettin bout dis one.. the one nd onlii supah man.. my god damn supah hero r u mad.. love my lil daddy no matter how much truble he getz himself into hez alwaiiz makin dem unexspected fone callz..xx


This twat face no doubt iz my sistah.. even doe shez a lil home chik dah goez bed at 7 loool shez my gyal for life.. dah waii dis gyal makez me benn up itz not even funni.. i tell her everytink cn truss her wid my life support..xx


My protector..bully..warm loving brother.. he cn wind me up nd jus fight around wid me bt he aint az he seemz.. he just duz wah he tinkz iz best.. i got nuff love for him n hez tite like blood..xx


Well.. derz alot to saii i jus cant put it into wordz.. secretz are best kept untold init but i can say dah dis lil pirahna needz 2 stop confuzzin me nd get me to understand wah hez sayin.. but we'll just see to da Future init ..xx


Dance partner r u crazziii.. this chikk i aint even known her for nuff long but dah waii shez laughin at me on dem occasionz (cough cough)..shez bare safe nd wev alredi got bare joke tymez nd it aint bin too long lol jus wait for sum more init..xx


This psychoo datz all i gotta saii for dis gyal she iz loopey im tellin u from now.. loud mouth whore dahh i looooveee soooooooo much shez my lil gossip qyaliee dah ill never turn my bak on..xx


Motherz dont cum neffink like this.. dan my choongting mum datz soo down to earth i culd tell her dah world nd shed just tell me like it izz.. im glad jerome introduced me too her.. shez one ov godz sent no lie..xx


Areee you dumb... all da love in da world wont match up for da love i gt for my tigzz.. tigger nd pigglet if u dnt kno ghet to know.. my lil yardie brother.. the waii i trust him iz nutz just lik him nd rikz.. fukin batty pair..xx


My madchikk.. the way w took a pik ov us too togeva da ova daii woz the one r u nutzzz we looked dope.. im feelin dah waii she goez on ruthless.. fuck snakez.. fuck bitchez.. fuck fake friendz.. im tellin u now shez a true gyal..xx


Sooooooo wagwarn sho sho.. are you mentally dumb... this iz my lil partner who lovez off my hair hez nutzz.. we need 2 build sum of the love bak up.. but wen we doo agen ppl need 2 start dukin in2 their houses coz itz gonna be all krazyyy..xx MY JUMPA DEDiiCATED TO THE LOVELii EMMANUEL

I'd like to meet:

Name: Jordan Ami
Status: In A Relationship

Located: South Of The Thames

The Basics

Est. 1991
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