NFL,NFL,NFL Music.. Movies, Model Cars, Animals.Vengeance Rising "Before The Time"Seether "Remedy"
The real me??? Eddie Van Halen, Roger Martinez, Jimmy Brown II, George Ochoa, Micheal & Robert Sweet, Oz, Tim Gaines, Jerry Rice, Tom Brady,Joe Montana,Mike Vick, Well all the Falcons and Patriots. (Can u tell I love the NFL) Van Halen 2007 Pre Tour show "Beautiful Girls" Vengeance Rising "Mulliangan's Stew"
Mostly Metal, VAN HALEN, King's X,PANTERA (R.I.P DimeBag), Stanid, Audioslave, Vengeance Rising, TourniqueT, Disturbed, G'n'R, Evanessece, SEVENDUST, AlterBridge, Nickelback, Linkin Park, Chevelle, Korn, Bonjovi, Creed, DELIVERANCE, Die Happy(Love the smily face & crossbones),Once Dead, The Devil Wears Prada, FasceDown
Time Machine, Back to the Future, Spiderman, The Incredables, Men In Black ---- *
Friends, House, Ghost Whisper, Ghost Hunters. Angel, Home Improvement, NFL(HA HA)Andy McKee - Drifting
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"Extreme" - Get The Funk Out -
What me read !!! (OK The BIBLE)I tried to read Harry Potter book 1, My wife makes fun of me because I only got half way threw it, and it's only like 300 pages... (But she can't program computers so Blaaaa!!!)
Eddie VanHalen, Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Chris Cornell, "DimeBag" Darrell, Jimmy Brown II, Lajon,