JMWEVH profile picture


I AM NO ONE, I AM NOTHING.............

About Me

I grew up the son of evangelist, Ya Know what they say about preachers kids but I didn't hit my crazy party faze until I was 21. I Traveled all over the country from church to church ethier in an RV or the back seat of my mom & Dad's car. I really didn't live anywhere (I lived everywhere) until I was about 11 or 12. That's when my mom & dad decided to settle down a little and buy a house (well trailer, Double wide Yeah baby!!!)But we still went out every month or so for a few weeks. It was pretty coolthough in a lot of ways because I've been so many places and seen a lot of different things... ***I've been a musician for as long as I can remeber, I have a video of one of my songs (beside my pics)please watch and comment... I started playing drums first when I was about 4, then I bought my first bass guitar when I was about 14 stuck with that for about 2 yrs then moved on to guitar... Although I've played music for years played with tons of people I've never gotten the chance to record my own music, which someday I hope to have the chance to do... I have written several songs but I think I would like to do more of an instrumental album with a couple of vocal songs because people say I'm a good singer but I'm not that crazy about my voice... ***I work in the televison Industry (behind the sceens) I do all the technical work, I've worked for FOX, CBS, FOOD Netowrk, HGTV, NBC, WB, PAX, I've always had the dream of working for NBC in N.Y.C. and ESPN but haven't made it there yet... My wife and have a farm (Well sort of) we have 20 cats (All netured and spayed)I would name all the cats for u but who wants 2 read the names of my pets.. And Also 2 dogs (also netured and spayed) Becca (German Shepard) and Chewbacca (A.K.A Chewie, English mastif) I had a Great Dane (Bruiser 200 Lbs 7 Ft tall) that I miss very much Very much he was best friend I recently had to give him up because he wouldn't stop peeing on everything- I mean everything this was new but he wouldn't stop so now I am Brusierless I miss u my friend... We just seem 2 b a magnet 4 pitaful animals and then we get attatched and can't let them go, every time without fail we say "where gona find this one a home and we end up being it's home... (maybe thats part of God's mission for us) O'yeah and 1 fish Yoshie (I know a fish n a house full of cats)I meet my wife here on the internet in a yahoo chat room we had a couple of dates and then lost touch for two years but I never forgot her, Her friend finally got SICK of hearing about me so she stole her yahoo account and pass word and e-mailed 2 see if I would be interested in getting back together we where together for about 2 yrs before I found out it wasn't her who orginaly e-mail me... now we've been married for almost 3 yrs and I must say wives r a pain... (LOL Just kiding Jennie)I love an old Christian comedian named Mike Warnke. If anyone has any of his stuff please let me know !!!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 King'S X "Complain"

My Interests

NFL,NFL,NFL Music.. Movies, Model Cars, Animals.Vengeance Rising "Before The Time"Seether "Remedy"

I'd like to meet:

The real me??? Eddie Van Halen, Roger Martinez, Jimmy Brown II, George Ochoa, Micheal & Robert Sweet, Oz, Tim Gaines, Jerry Rice, Tom Brady,Joe Montana,Mike Vick, Well all the Falcons and Patriots. (Can u tell I love the NFL) Van Halen 2007 Pre Tour show "Beautiful Girls" Vengeance Rising "Mulliangan's Stew"


Mostly Metal, VAN HALEN, King's X,PANTERA (R.I.P DimeBag), Stanid, Audioslave, Vengeance Rising, TourniqueT, Disturbed, G'n'R, Evanessece, SEVENDUST, AlterBridge, Nickelback, Linkin Park, Chevelle, Korn, Bonjovi, Creed, DELIVERANCE, Die Happy(Love the smily face & crossbones),Once Dead, The Devil Wears Prada, FasceDown


Time Machine, Back to the Future, Spiderman, The Incredables, Men In Black ---- *


Friends, House, Ghost Whisper, Ghost Hunters. Angel, Home Improvement, NFL(HA HA)Andy McKee - Drifting

Add to My Profile | More VideosMr Andy Mckee "Extreme" - Get The Funk Out -


What me read !!! (OK The BIBLE)I tried to read Harry Potter book 1, My wife makes fun of me because I only got half way threw it, and it's only like 300 pages... (But she can't program computers so Blaaaa!!!)


Eddie VanHalen, Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Chris Cornell, "DimeBag" Darrell, Jimmy Brown II, Lajon,