ANGEL'a DEATH profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator CONTACT BOX...Customize Your MySpace @ ProfileMix.comOk thought I had better say something about me on here, so here goes, I live with my kids, my laptop, my dog and a lot of wrought iron candle holders. I am a weird throw back to the 80's Goth era. Apart from the obvious on here, my passions are the Victorian era, Art, Vampires (any vampires from Hammer Horror to Spike) and music. I am also interested in the paranormal and associated topics. Aside from being here, I lurk on ebay and surf the net extensively looking for things that inspire me. I write poetry,I enjoy the old poets but also appreciate anything I can identify with. I write short stories. I draw and paint. I am not keen on some of the more extreme pieces of modern art but can appreciate anything that evokes a strong emotional response.SLIDESHOW... MyGen Profile Generator

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My Interests

This is me in the mourning...don't fuck with me when I'm getting dressed! Rules!

I'd like to meet:

oooh lots of people, good old fashioned Gothic-y goodness friends! ... ......


...I like 80's goth, the cult, the cure, siouxsie, ect. Big passion for Depeche Mode... David Gahan, David Bowie, David Sylvian...ok lots of Daves :)Can be found listening to any thing from Sinatra to the Clash, with the total and will full exception of (c)Rap, country and anything sung by bints who have to take off half their clothes in the vids cos their singings so bad or blokes who wear their trousers/tracky bottoms(wtf are track suit bottoms supposed to do for anyone?) at half mast so we can all see what stunningly dull boxer shorts they have on...what IS the point???


Breakfast club, 80's bratpack films, interview with the vampire, wizard of oz, wuthering hieghts, what ever happened to baby jane, now voyager, two girls and a guy, Chaplin, arsenic and old lace, north by northwest, all about eve, Marilyn monroe films, american psycho (so funny!)Hammer horror, Bram stokers Dracula, mary shelleys Frankenstein, ect, ect. Sometimes it just gives me a good feeling to curl up in front of an old black and white film, I know will have a happy ending, it reminds me of Sunday afternoons as a child, when life was simple.


...doesn't really interest me these days, ok well hasn't for quite some time.


I like to read Anne Rice, Anais Nin, Stephen King, Biographys on old film stars.

My Blog

One Day

One day when my shiny guild wears awaywill you look at me without my newness?One day when familiarity becomes boringwill you look at me without pity?One day when you realise I'm nothing specialwill yo...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 02:42:00 PST


...chance meetingsunexpected ...chains of eventshappy thoughts...those you meet...may make you smile.....on the inside.......hold fast and true such raritiesfor they arewonderful treasures. X...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 12:05:00 PST

A short Vampire story

Sweet Anticipation. A short Vampire story from the pen of Caberet Haze a.k.a Angela Chambers a.k.a Angel'a Death.  As published in the April edition of Vampire Dispatch distributed by Thunder for...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 02:01:00 PST

Name change

OBITUARY Caberet Haze lived in cyberspace for four years, by accident rather than design, 'Caberet'...a mere typing error that was never corrected?..ah! you will never know! 'Haze'...a Freudian slip ...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 09:11:00 PST


....well not smoking unless someone sets fire to me that is!Its proving to be rather an interesting thing this 'giving up'.......or rather 'GIVING IN' to the pressure applied by the fact the date July...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Thu, 31 May 2007 04:27:00 PST


...was stunningly good!Had a lovely Friday knight with my undead hunk of a knight fiend, who had to get up at stupid o'clock to go off and do his band type thingy ...twas funny watching him erect his ...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Tue, 08 May 2007 04:06:00 PST

It's all GOOD!

Heeeeeres Bloggy.....Well it's Tuesday, or there abouts...hang on, no it's wednesday...duuur days are all a bit insignificunt when you stop having to remember the date, this can be seen as a good thin...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 02:40:00 PST

home...home on the range

Ah well, this is my first day that I consider myself unemployed, quite wrong I know as I was technically unemployed from yesterday, however as I had the twins at home I didn't really count it as being...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:16:00 PST

The summary of Christmas!

The summary of Christmas!A TALE OF TWO CRIMBLES.Firstly, allow me to tell you a christmas tale, let me take you back to 1981, its christmas morning *I am having a flashback so imagine everything going...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 08:20:00 PST

shit! it should have been a blog!

Right, one last push at work tomorrow and thats it for two weeks...thank the lord Harold for THAT!Still can 't believe I'm being forced to stay at work when all the kids are being sent home early, the...
Posted by ANGEL'a DEATH on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:18:00 PST