" Y " profile picture

" Y "

The quieter you become, the more you can hear.

About Me

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Just Because..

...Another Survey...

Story behind your myspace song I just like it
What month were you born in July
Where do you live OC/ Vegas

...Describe Your...

Wallet LV
Dream car Aston Martin Vanquish
Toothbrush Oral B
Jewellery worn daily Bee ring and watch
Pillow Case WHAT???
Eyes Are tired from the computer
Room In my office at home
Love life Hmmmm.....
Cologne/Perfume Lemon Sugar
Cd in stereo Mixed CD
Piercings None
Wearing My nighty
Wanting Peace, light and love throughout
What does your headline mean Exactly what it says
Last thing you ate Carrot sticks
Something you are afraid of Rejection
Do you like candles Yes
Do you like the taste of blood Don't know
Do you believe in love Absolutely
Do you believe in soul mates Yes
Do you like seafood Yup
Do you remember your dreams Sometimes
Do you consider yourself a study freak Nope
What's your favorite thing to do in the place where you live Hang out at the beach. Ass kicking yoga is slways fun.
Do you like tattoos Yes
Do you burn easily in the sun No
Do you speak another language other than English Yes
What's something you wish you could understand better Golf
Are you shy around a crush Yes
What book would you recommend to anyone The Four Agreements
Last show you watched an entire episode of Weeds
Last movie you watched at home Don't remember
Got any plans for the weekend Going to AZ
Who do you miss My mother
Last incoming call on your cell phone My sister
What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer Pics of me.....hahaha
What's your favorite restaurant Fiama
Last time you swam in a pool Swim?
What was the last thing you bought A tracksuit....i know I know, how sexy is that?
A secret about you Then it wouldn't be a secret would it?
Ever made a prank phone call Nope
Where did Waldo go Who cares?
Do you really know all the words to your national anthem Yes
What did your last text message say Have a great week full of love and light.
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant Yes
Have you ever written poetry No
How many people have you kissed Dunno
Have you ever won a trophy Yes
Are you a good cook If I wanted to be.....
Do you know how to pump your own gas Yes
Think fast, who do you hate right now Ignorant people
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital JM
What do you think about most How grateful for the life I have.
Take this survey

My Interests

To travel the world is my passion. Yoga, go to the beach, reading books (yes,I'm a dork that way)


I like almost everything....


The Secret


Grey's Anatomy, Weeds.


Four Agreements, The Alchemist, Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns.