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to be loved is to be fortunate...but to be hated is to achieve distinction...

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just down right staggering... i know

Last Time I Logged In: 4/23/2007
if u were looking for something informative, enlightening, intellectual, or meaningful... you have come to the wrong place... i should probably include some self absorbed compliments about myself somewhere in here ... along with artificial or highly exaggerated interests and hobbies that make me appear cooler than i actually am... i could ramble on about hating haters, being so hot, and how being me is the shizit... or i could do a third person write up on myself and over use adjectives, quotation marks, and the words style, influences, fresh, & new... of course i should probably belittle everyone else's stupidity, shallowness, & inability to philosophize because for some reason i have risen above with my amazing intellectual level... or you would think that i would at least use correct grammar, punctuation, & capitalization etc... but then again who really cares... i'm confident in knowing i'm unique and special ... just like everybody else...

to be loved is to be fortunate...
but to be hated is to achieve distinction...
just me... nothing much to say but HELL YEA! ;) things are good... finished recording 'ain't your F'n ray of sunshine'... an original that i pulled right out of my a*s and is crackin' people up everywhere... usually in their living rooms... 'sexual tension' is getting rave reviews... ahh yes the "damn... i didnt know it was singer/songwriter night" crowds just love it... its hard being an open mic rockstar sometimes... but its for the people... ya know... the innocent bystanders who thought it was karaoke night and the few friends you made come with you... its definitely not for the weak... and there are a lot of sacrifices you have to make... so if you are thinking about going into open mic rockstaretry...
a word from the wise a*s... drink :o) lmao!
lookin' forward to b'roo in june! if anyone else is going let me know...

hey... did you know that movie stars, rockstars, and pretty much all the rich and famous wonder what its like to be a "regular" person... well that is if they were practically born in it or havent ever been unrich or unfamous... yea... they sit around and wonder what it would be like not to be noticed and how it would be to have to worry about money... they even act that sh*t out! "hey hon... lets pretend we are poor today "... yeah... that's F'd up... they daydream about having real relationships and families because to them they think "regular" society only experiences it... they actually wish they were "normal" sometimes... so who is the fricken celebrity here... hell yea! ME! :) seriously... its definitely not them... hell we made them who they are... and we can take it away... but nooooo... we have to buy their crap cause everyone else is... so in case you didnt know... independent music, films, and/or any art or entertainment not mainstream is the way to go... support the people... not the freakshows... hell ... they complain about their money losses and the industry failures because they arent the monopoly anymore... seriously... downloading free music didnt cause it... if you buy a book... then sell it or give it away... then they resell it... they keep the profit... they dont pay the original distributor again... and i hear ya saying "but its keeping people from purchasing the product new" ... well i usually look for the damn book or whatever i am lookin for used or free before i buy it new... here we are trying to save some nickles and dimes so we can have a few luxuries in life like a nice dinner or family vacation... or even some new flip-flops for spring... and we've destroyed an empire... well good for us... maybe they should get cheaper flip-flops... what the hell am i talking about... like i know anything... i cant even find my other flip-flop... i'm going to bed...

not responsible for typos... spelling errors... or really anything for that matter...

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just me...
exactly what it says... i waste a lot of rhyme...
along with a lot of time...
sometimes i can't believe i wrote it...
sometimes i won't claim it... :o)
& sometimes i just don't care...
nonetheless...i'm cursed with it...& have to write...
'tis therapy for a scary mind...mine...
lyrically inclined...
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MySpace Etiquette

the opinions in this material may not necessarilyexpress those of me, may only express it in part, &/ormay be grossly exaggerated or grossly sugar coated...it is advised that you proceed with extr...
Posted by wastedrhyme™ on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 03:48:00 PST

santa Clause

the santa clause you better watch out... you better not cry article 1, section 2 grants immunity for lies the santa "clause" keeps you safe and sound   so you can make up shit, more and more all...
Posted by wastedrhyme™ on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 10:56:00 PST