- MusicBand
Another Band
- MusicBand
Another Band
Forgetting I HAD cancer, finding humor in the mundane, levitating and causing to levitate(and no, I'm not a magician), guitar, singing, songwriting, napping, continualy developing and further perfecting processes for transmuting silver, gold and platinum from common materials, loving feminine beauty, loving beauty in general, rollercoasters, being a mutt, cooking (except METH, not worth it), trying to draw as much as I used to, 9-ball and snooker, wondering why it's so much harder to get together to hike or camp, thinking about being in love, exposing the fact that what people accept as convention is NOTHING of the sort, singing the blues while the lady cats cry, mindbending, guess that'll have to do for now... oh, sex... even on stilts...
Comedians: Jim Gaffigan, Chris Rock, Megan Mooney, Dave Chappelle, Flight of the Conchords, etc.
Actors: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Vincent D'Onofrio, Jake Gyllenhaal, etc.
Chefs: Mario Batali
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Comments to Earthly Envoy&trade
You BETTER make it something GOODOr boy will you got mocked
I've been a musician/singer/songwriter for 17 years so
... Would make more since to keep up with my blog or subscribe to it
About as nerdy as Music. Or maybe as bad. Movie I've seen way too much in the last month? Brick. And I'll probably watch it again tomorrow. Perfectly moody. What can I say, I was a nerd before all the "cool" people realized it was cooler than their spectator sports. Not being a snob either, ask anyone that's known me starting from kindergarten. Not a dig at sports either, love playing them. Sprint trained and strength trained for years (till the big C).... Just think watching is fruitless.
I'll get to it
Link 1
I'll get to it
Does one of my other personalities count? If I have to be serious I guess Adam holds the lead... for now.