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He Is Ancient And Forever, He Burns At The Centre Of Time, And He Can See The Turn Of The Universe..

About Me

"Angels exist but some times, since they don't all have wings, we call them FRIENDS!!!!"
Todays Date: 29th April 2007
Name: Jenn / Jennie
Nicknames: Haha, You want the whole list? *clears throat* Jennibobs, Jennibobbledoodlekins, Squishy (sometimes Lil' Squishy), Basil (and now thanks to a certain someone, it's Spazil), Whovian_Whore, Bohemian_Whovian, Sniper Shot Jennie (Mwahaha), Calico, Pinsir J, Lil' Mushroom, Chicklet, Schoof (sheep in Luxembourgish), Hoodie, Jenn Wren and more often than not, Lush....and think i'll stop there
Birthday: 25th June 1986
Birthplace: Sidcup, Kent, United Kingdom, Earth, The solar system, The Universe
Current Location: Bexleyheath, Kent, United ....yeah you get the idea. Wow, how my life has progrssed *rolls eyes*
Eye Color: Brown, and kind of changing Green...which is odd
Hair Color: At the moment, it's brown with the underneath blonde, as well as a bit at the front, mostly red at the top and lord knows how many shades of caramel, copper and gold highlights...woo mish mash hair
Height: 5'3" ...yep, your regular short arse
Right Or Left Handed: Cackhanded haha, normally left but I use my right to draw etc...random I know
Hertiage: English with Italian and American thrown in....I guess i'm a mongrel then?
Clothing Style: Whatever is comfortable, though I love the random look haha
Your Weaknesses: Too many...erm, lack of confidence/self esteem/motivation, can be fairly pessimistic at times....
Your Strengths: I give as good as I get, Stand up for what I believe is right, supportive, idea. I've been told i'm a good listener and i'm pretty easy going which makes me good to get along with apparently.
Your Fears: Anything to do with my teeth *shudders* .... Also have a fear of the bottom of boats and telephones.....yes....I know.....weird.
Favourite Color: PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Well....I have since travelled back to America, and have found a job (my previous goals on this thing), but probably travel stateside again would be a goal. To get a promotion. To be happy.
Your Most Overused Saying On Messenger: Random...and I use that offline too...i'm obsessed with the word. Other than that "haha" and the ":P" smilie
First Thoughts When Waking Up: GIVE. ME. COFFEE. NOW!
Your Best Physical Feature: I have one? Err, ok, my eyes I guess!
Your Best Trait: People tell me I have a good sense of humour so i'll go with that...
Your Bedtime: Whenever I feel like it, normally in the wee hours of the morning, somewhere between 2am and 5am...or later
Your Most Missed Memory: Anytime spent with my Nan, and the farm I used to stay at in Devon. I guess childhood in general too.
Coke Or Pepsi: Coke, and Diet too....because the normal kind makes my teeth's true!
McDonald's Or Burger King: McDonalds actually, because I love the Chicken Sandwhiches. I don't eat fast food that often as a preference though.
Tea Or Coffee: Are you insane???? COFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! *jitters* I do like my tea but COFFEE PLEASE!!!!
Do You Smoke: *lights up* Yup
Do You Drink: Does a bear shit in the woods? Just ask anyone that knows me haha
Do You Swear: What the fuck, me? Swearing? What the fuck are you talking about, you're just taking the piss right? Oh sod off!
Ever Been In Love: Yup, think I am right now too....omg, call the press!!!!!!
Do You Want To Go To College: Been there, done that, spent 3 years in college, so what do you think? No, i'm a tax payer now...*sigh*
Do You Want To Get Married: Someday
Do You Believe In Yourself: Errr, in a word...No!
Do You Think You're Attractive: Certainly not, but someone seems to think so :)
Are You A Health Freak: HAHAHA.HAHAHA.HA! Far from it, though I have to have my fruit n veggies....n chocolate, n chips.....ehem. I eat more healthy things these days though.
Do You Like Thunderstorms: HELL. YES. They make me a tad horny though :P
Play Any Instruments: Geetar!!!! And the keyboard badly....I wanna learn drums though...may actually think about that soon
In The Past Month, Have You Ever Drank Alcohol: Me? Having an alcoholic beverage in the last month? *gasps* Could you honestly see me doing that? YEAH you would!!!! Hmmm last Friday springs to mind haha
In The Past Month, Have You Taken Drugs: Yes, but alas, only the prescribed kind haha.
In The Past Month, Have You Been On A Date: Yes :)
In The Past Month, Have You Been To A Mall: Indeed, and I HATE shopping usually, but I had to stock up on new CD's/DVD's/Games etc
In The Past Month, Have You Eaten A Box Of Oreo's Nooooooooooooooo, I NEED OREOS!!!!! Someone care to Fedex some over for me? The double kind? (well, worth a shot)
In The Past Month, Have You Eaten Sushi: Not in the last month no, but I tried it for the first time a couple of months's actually rather nice!
In The Past Month, Have You Been On Stage: Nope
In The Past Month, Have You Gone Skinny Dipping: Not that I can recall.....I would hope I could remember something like that.
In The Past Month, Have You Stolen Anything: Nope...i'm an angel :)
Ever Been Beaten Up: Indeed, several times, actually, I got socker punched last Saturday....bastard!
Ever Been Drunk: HAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHA. HA....HAAHAHAHA. *chokes*
Ever Been Called A Tease: Yup ;) *evil laugh*
Ever Shoplifted: Ever Shoplifted: When I was about 6...but it was a packet of bubble gum and some drawing pins....don't ask, I don't know
How Do You Want To Die: Well, there's a nice uplifiting question huh? Erm, Peacefully or quickly.
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: I have NO idea! I want to be happy though.
Where Do You Want To Retire: On the moon, with Steve ^-^ Naw, possibly America...or Devon (yes...very different ends of the spectrum)
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit: America for the fact i'm planning on visiting every state! Speaking of which, I would love to say i've gone to all 7 continants one day too, already got 3 to my name! Would love to visit New Zealand/Australia, Greece again (but mainland this time, never been there), Italy again and Canada. Can't forget Thailand either!
Would You Ever Bunjee Jump: Fuck Yes!!!! Off the Grand Canyon baby!
Who Called You Last: Laura AND Abbi....had one phone in each ear...oh dear haha!
Favourite Season: Winter and Spring
In A Boy/Girl
Favourite Eye Color: Blue or Brown...or mixed colors...
Favourite Hair Color: Dark Brown
Short Or Long Hair: Somewhere in the middle, not too long, but definitely not short...don't like short hair :P
Strong In Body Or Strong In Mind: Strong in mind for sure!
Height: Taller than me...but not too tall...I'm a short arse remember
Clothing Style: Whatever they are comfortable in....EXCEPT Chav wear....*shudders*
More Random Questions
Number Of CD's Owned: LOADS!!!! Too many to count...but a clue might be that I have 300 something hours worth on the computer alone....I recently brought more too...oops :P
Number Of Piercings: 7, all in my ears, but i'm craving another one.
Number Of Tattoo's: 1, WOO HOO, I finally got my first tattoo, and yes, I got my dragon done, woo hoo!!! *luffs her tattoo* Can't wait to get another too
Number Of Thing's In The Past You Regret: Probably too many to reminisce over... "It's Better To Regret Something You Did, Than Something You Didn't Do"
Currently Listening To: Fix You - Coldplay! Love that song!
Current Mood: Tired, happy, content and a lil bit mischevious, as always!
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My Interests

Well, this would be somewhat of an essay if I told you everything...or even so much as glossed over the subject haha. Just look around my profile, you'll soon work it out. You'll notice my box art down there somewhere....yep a nice collection of avatars that all have something to do with the scary little world that is mine, for example coffee, for I am a coffee feind, lots of Doctor Who/David Tennant....because Doctor Who is awesome, Dory...because I AM Dory haha...yeah, you get the idea. Love MiG Ayesa (but then that was pretty obvious wasn't it?, Love London, Love theatre (particuarily "We Will Rock You", Love my friends, Love to travel, etc. So yeah, my profile will pretty much tell you what ever you could possibly want or not want to know ;)

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I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet the Red Hot Chili Peppers as i've been an avid fan for many years. I've seen them perform several times now, also they have been somewhat of an inspiration and it would be really cool to experience first hand what their personalities are like (hey, no harm in dreaming)...
Would also like to meet David Tennant (haha, yes, because I am an obsessed fan....again, here's to dreaming) I would love to meet Eddie Izzard again, he is just too funny and too fantastic!!!..
Unfortunatly the other person that would have been awesome to meet is Brandon Lee....RIP. Prob many others i'd love to meet but don't wanna bore you just yet

Box Art


Another Day In London...Where The Pubs Call Your Name!
Scroll over each picture for captions :)

Missouri Trip #3
Scroll over each picture for captions :)
Scroll over each picture for captions :)

Well, i'll try my hand at anything ^-^ I write poems every now and then, i'm not very good at it but I enjoy it. So here's one I wrote a while ago...don't hit me too hard haha.Shadow Memories of a crow

A shadow of a shadow passes,

My features darken, as I remember.

Remember the image – clear and crisp.

The jet black figure with sparkling green shimmers,

Woven between the darkest fibres of its very existence,

Silhouetted before the crimson sky. The setting sun

Bleeding away the final minutes of the day,

Crisp cut fingers fringe the bird’s rhythmic oars,

Rowing to a steady beat,

Gracefully gliding, sailing the air,

With the sound of the wind whistling through the trees.

A melancholy cry resounds, splitting the night sky,

It is ready – ready to return to its secluded retreat,

To return to it’s solitary stone perch

In the darkest corner of the graveyard.

A shadow of a shadow passes,

My features darken.

Thanks to Isis for the vid ;)

Have Some Fun ;)


MiG Ayesa??? Oh, right, you mean besides the obvious huh?
I love a bit of everything really, very diverse musical taste, except trance n dance shite, I prefer alt music but listen to other stuff too as you can see: Aerosmith, AFI, Anastacia, Audioslave, Beach Boys, Beatles, Black Sabbath, Blink 182, Bon Jovi, Carpenters, Chris Cornell, Coldplay, Counting Crows, Creed, Damien Rice, Deanna Johnston, Dilana, Disturbed, Fear Factory, Foo Fighters, Garbage, Goo Goo Dolls, Greenday, Guns N' Roses, INXS, Jimmy Eat World, John Frusciante, John Mayer, Joydrop, Kid Rock, Kiss, KoRn, Kula Shaker, Less Than Jake, Linkin' Park, Marilyn Manson, Metallica, MiG Ayesa (yes, i'm aware that's a given), Muse, Nickleback, Nirvana, No Doubt, Peggy Zina, Pixies, Placebo, Portishead, Queen, Radiohead, Rage Against The Machine, Rammstein, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Reel Big Fish, R.E.M, Saliva, Sarah McLachlan, Snow Patrol, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins, Suede, System Of A Down, The Cure, Three Days Grace, The Kinks, and lord knows what else!!! OK think I should give up now, this could take awhile, but you get the idea :D


Oh dont get me started, got so many favourites. Top two are probably The Crow and Pirates of the Caribbean. X-Men movies are more of my favourites....and I kinda have a thing for Hugh Jackman, the Wolverine thing...well...humina haha. Thanks to a certain someone, I now love anything David Lynch, but Fire Walk With Me wins hands down, Mullholland Drive comes close too! Others would probably be Fight Club, Man On Fire, Momento, Saw 1, 2 and 3, Dogma, Labryinth, Saving Private Ryan, Greenmile, Candyman (gotta love the first one) and pretty much anything that is dark/psychological/scary. Loads others, I just love the whole film world, nice to escape sometimes.


Do you really need to ask? Here's a hint
I'm not a TV junkie or anything but I CAN sometimes be somewhat of a TV fiend, I love watching anything supernatural or paranormal or just weird. Criss Angel's Mindfreak is frickin' awesome, Doctor Who (oh, I kinda already mentioned that didn't I?), Afterlife, Torchwood (which is a spin off from Doctor Who...go figure), Grey's Anatomy, Boston Legal, Supernatural, Sitcoms such as Fawlty Towers, Only Fools And Horses, etc. Ok ok, i'll have to say Twin Peaks too, DUH!!!! After watching these the once, I need to buy all TP related items's a sickness of mine ok! MUST OWN!!!!Bottom line though....Doctor Who is the best!!! Haha...AND ITS BACK!!!!!! 31st March 2007 - 23rd June 2007 BBC1!!!!


If i'm not writing my own nonsense then I LOVE to read. Lately i've been hooked on Doctor Who books, no, they're not for kids haha, and the Torchwood very cool. Anything by Ben Elton's is a must read for me, last read was "Inconceivable", "Past Mortem", "Dead Famous" and "Popcorn" and am about to start "The First Casualty"...unless "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown gets there first. One of my favourite books is "The Sheltering Sky" by Paul Bowles. I love to read anything really, from true stories to fantasy, even enjoy reading poetry....yeah sounds bad huh but hey, works for me, anything by Edger Allen Poe especially.


I have several, My Mum for sure, she's a good friend as well as a great mother!!! Definitely My Nan, I wouldn't be the person I am today if it were not for her, she influenced me in many ways when I was younger and i'm thankful that I had her in my life!!!On a slightly different note, i'd have to say MiG, I don't care how sad that may sound to some but he has also influenced me in many ways as well as being such an inspiration. I've learnt many things since first encountering this amazing man, one of which being chasing after your dreams and to be thankfull for everything that comes your way, regardless of the outcome.

My Blog

Photo Spam, Analysis And Fri-END-ship"

Finally putting some new photo's up on Myspaz!  It's been ages since I've done ANYTHING to this thing, so thought I'd try and update a little.  I may even do some more slideshows...but I'm n...
Posted by Jennie on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 01:46:00 PST

I Don’t Know And I Don’t Care And I’m Not Sober!

It's so weird, reading over past entries in my journal that is (no not this one silly), how different my outlook is from one day to another&..  Can anyone say psycho?  Anyway, last time ...
Posted by Jennie on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 03:45:00 PST

Go Away, Go Away, Go Away!!!!

GO AWAY!!!! Is basically what I feel like shouting at the top of my lungs to everyone and everything right now!!!! Just everyone can fuck RIGHT OFF!!!! Let it be known now that I am an unsociable sod ...
Posted by Jennie on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 02:16:00 PST

Its A Dogs Life!

For want of a better title!  What is up with Dogs EVERYWHERE at the moment??? Sheesh!  No, I don't mean generally around haha, they're always there, I just mean me and dogs...ok, that sounds...
Posted by Jennie on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:50:00 PST

Home Again, 4lbs Of Sweets And A Beatle!

Well, yep, back in stinky U.K again....oh the joy!  Actually, I can't complain too much, it was sunny when I got home *shock horror* and I haven't had any arguments since I've been back...and the...
Posted by Jennie on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:47:00 PST

Survey From The Mind Of A Temporarily Bored Woman!

Because Laura is napping and I have nothing else to do at this moment in time...well, I do, but I'd rather not be doing it!  So I'm sitting here doing this silly thing instead...well, It's been a...
Posted by Jennie on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 02:25:00 PST

Random Thought Of Forgiveness.

So, guess I'm not in the mood for sleeping tonight haha, mind is way too awake right now, got so many things to do (and yet, yes, I still procrastinate haha, it's an art).  Anyway, thought I'd s...
Posted by Jennie on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 06:43:00 PST

Intelligence And A Mouse

No, I'm not conducting a scientific experiement that's gone wrong, I'm just extremely bored and yet I'm continuing to procrastinate....which led me to several things haha.Firstly, I found out my IQ is...
Posted by Jennie on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:18:00 PST

Incompetent People Strike Again!!

Someone remind me NEVER to book with South West airlines again! OMG, what a bunch of incompetent twats!!!! *breathes*Arghh! Technology and the internet today are supposed to make life easier....and wh...
Posted by Jennie on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 03:34:00 PST

Time Flies....And Flying Across That Atlantic Ocean

Where the fuck has the last month gone???? Can someone PLEASE tell me?  I just checked and the last time I'd logged into this thing was like a month ago and I don't know how that happened!  ...
Posted by Jennie on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 02:45:00 PST