assonance, consonance, gestalt theory, bold moves, white leather, spanish reds, photography, music, design, bullying the jukebox, cats, coins, flattened pennies, pinball, maps, bowie's teeth, road trips, dive bars, etymology, whole grains, hatchbacks, cut-and-paste, cmyk, sleep aids, personal space, peripheral vision, procrastination, infatuation.
something that i understand.
a hard rain, drunken confessions, trains at night when i'm trying to fall asleep, the sound of fingers brushing across strings in between notes, a northern ohio accent, soft counting (space oddity, invisible sun), snare drum rolls, drums in move on, banjo, deep voices, growling cigarette voices, songs about trains, songs with clapping in them, songs with my name in them.
brothers of the head, anything by alfred hitchcock or pedro almodovar, dogfight, don't look back, being john malkovich, happiness, the big lebowski, spinal tap, prince of darkness, 28 days later.
ironman triathlon makes me cry.
short stories, essays, biographies. johnny got his gun, anthem, the bell jar, life as carola, inventing victor, from the mixed-up files of mrs. basil e. frankweiler, nick bantock, j.p. donleavy, brandy's eggroll story, the walking dead.
anxiously awaiting: a novel from jen (tom petty?) and more family history from brandy.
the first sentence, no, first paragraph of the introduction to cannery row i could read over and over and over again. aloud, if you'll let me.
knock down the statues, turn up the records.