I currently live on Fort Benning, Ga. I moved here from Washington, DC. My father is retired military and got a civilian job out at the base. I basically wanted to move somewhere new so HERE I AM. I have been a military brat my whole life. I hated it but loved it at the same time. I love to move and meet new people. That is the good thing that has come out of all this.
Talking to a lot of soldiers who returned from Iraq has opened my eyes to how fucked up this war and our president is. The 1-800 phone number on the right is for the GI Rights Hotline, a network of nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations who provide information to servicemembers about military discharges, grievance and complaint procedures, and other civil rights. It might come handy some day... I also learned a lot about the School of the Americas, the training school for Latin American militaries here on the base that has been linked to all kinds of attrocities. That place needs to be shut down asap. I've been raised to question things and blatant injustice always makes me mad. Well, that's all about me.
I found the Flash animation and clips below on MySpace and I love the Rita Martinson song "soldier we love you." (click it, listen to it and let me know how you like it)
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