i enjoy playing volleyball... swimming... ¿basketball?... listening/composing/creating music(http://www.myspace.com/simplewords)... "chillaxing"... taking pix... dancinNstuff... worshiping God with what i got!
people with a passion for what they love to do... people who knows what they want and goes for it, heart first, because they are truly passionate and honestly want it badly... have coffee with me... and maybe i can encourage you to follow your dreams... in person. =D
"It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare;
It's because we don't dare that things are difficult."
- Sénéque
the above quote is a quote that i live my life by... and i openly encourage dreamers to dream on! it's a gift some possess and some just dont... :D
mostly heavy metal rock is very muchly appreciated by me... hip hop and, lately, 13 letters, but generally, all types of muzik...tehehehe... below are 2 realli liked by me! ask me on faqqly.com =).. width="425" height="350" ..
mmm... i like quite a few of em... heh.
dont watch much... but when i do... csi (all of 'em), l&o, svu, etc.
...in the Bible my fave is Job... there's also Pride and Prejudice...i like the classic Jane Austens... hehehe... and C.S. Lewis & Max Lucado!!! not to mention the all-time faves of HARRY POTTER SERIES!!
Jesus (duh!), i'm inspired by dreamers, my family, and especially, oscar pistorius! woot! woot!