Myspace Backgrounds
- Sleepyhead
- Dreams to be a Doctor someday
- Lazy
- Crazy
- I love the marine life. |though I think I'm allergic to mangroves|
- I love different kinds of corals (my favorite is Tubipora musica | try to look it up. It's a red stone coral:P)
- I love seastars (Linkia, brittle stars or even the big Protoreaster)
- I believe that people are the one who need to save the ecosystem and stop the world from deteriorating.
- Did you know that finishing college is actually fun? Take Biology and you'll know what I'm talking about.
All I'm hoping for, is for things to also go my way.
Plus, I love my family and friends. AND, GOD. They make me wanna live each and every day of my life.