My Rockin Rocker
My wonderful family, my awesome friends. And Music with a grooove!
YOU ARE MISSED~ Charcoal 18"x24"
My Tribute to SRV...Oh the Passion of this man~There will never be anyone quite like him!
Stevie Ray Vaughn (when I get to Heaven) R.I.P.
And Noah Webster(cuz I can't spell). Oh yeah, and Sasquatch....I know you're out there somewhere!!
There is something about that bluezy,rockin,funk thang that just GETS ME! ~~~Joe put on an excellent show, Sioux Falls Jazz and Blues Fest 2005!!!
Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin. Good Lord I do LUV Jimmy!!!GOOD TIME rock n' roll especially...AC/DC, Ted Nugent and the Allman Brothers. Ocasional Heavy Metal to feed my dark side. JUST as long as as it is Quality, Guitar Driven Rock-I'll take it! NEVER let the Guitar Solo DIE!!!(Please..don't mix yer politics into my Rock..thas all I ask..JUST SHUTUP AND PLAY BABY!!)
Anything with William Hurt or Steve Martin but man, it would be weird to see them in a movie together!
Got no use for it, Unless its Seinfeld and my new favorite, My Name is Earl!
I enjoy historical fiction...I love Stephen Lawhead! The one book I always recommend is the Great Divorce by CS Lewis..which is, by the way, not about divorce...very thought provoking though-read it!
Jesus, cuz he chose me the way I am and Gary cuz he loves me the way I am...and Sasquatch because he can fool em all! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Layout made by tturee