Shelley profile picture


live life 2 da MaXimuM

About Me
Myspace Layouts and SO much more from! ♥
whateverlife.comI live on the sunny Gold Coast. Like 2 hang around wif mai gorgeous fwends, luuuuuuvvvvvv my life, clubbin, shoppin, dancin n food!!!!! Am currently working at the lovely Universal Store in Surfers Paradise so come n visit me sometimes :P i'm not really into this myspace thingy but i still use it lol...add [email protected] if u wanna talk to me.

My Interests

Clubbing, shopping, gym, catching up with friends, walk on the beach, dancing in front of the mirror lol, food, flute and piano.

I'd like to meet:

People who r down 2 earth, eazy going, believe in trust and who isn't a player!


Too many 2 b named...electro house and rnb


Harry Potter's been mai favourite movie for the past 4 yrs lol


OC, Desperate housewives


I don't have time to read books, kindda sick o readin the text books from uni


ermm...don't have one atm...well, i liked the superheroes party at Griffith Uni