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My Grandmother... My Dad says i'm alot like her and i would love to just sit and have a whole conversation with her.. even for just one day. ..
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi
Take the quiz: "What Kind of Pirate are Ye? (*Pix*)"
The Clever Pirate
Enod Ylecin! You catch on to situations quickly! If you smell trouble you immediatley put your brain to use and figure a way out...whether your in the middle of a thunderstorm or left the scraps at dinner time. You will go far in life because you see it for its possibilities. People admire your advice and trust in your instinct...believe in yourself enough and you can take over the world!
This profile was edited with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.4
The Doctor: "You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs, or beef, or global warming, or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you survive."Accidentally In Love
IM AN ALL AROUND MOVIE PERSON...... some of my favorites.. the crow, the punisher, x-men, x2, sixteen candles, breakfast club, princess bride, edward scissor hands, pirates of the caribbean, benny and joon, les miserables, space balls, robinhood men in tights, blazing saddles the nightmare before christmas lol... and more.......
VAMPIRE MOVIES ARE AWSOME... dracula, the lost boys, van helsing, Interview with the vampire, Queen of the damned.. u name it i most likely love it........
DISNEY MOVIES!!! (need i say more ^_^)
Myspace Layouts
SCI-FI ALL THE WAY!!! farscape, ghost hunters, stargate sg-1, and yes even star trek lol :-P...... others i like... buffy the vampire slayer, angel, gilmore girls, married with children, ALF!! (but they dont show him anymore ::sad face::), X-MEN..umm...theres more i jus cant think of them lol
any L.J. Smith book (nightworld, dark visions, the vampire diaries, etc)..Amelia Atwater-Rhodes ( In The Forests of the Night, Demon In My View, Shattered Mirror, Midnight Predator, Hawksong, Snakecharm) ... Anette Curtis Clause ( Silver Kiss and Blood And Chocolate)...Karen E. Taylor (blood secrets, bitter blood, blood ties, blood of my blood) ...also books from authors that i dont remember.... The Blooding, Wither, romance novels, and more. pretty much all vampire/witch/shapeshifter books
My Grandmother.. She never followed the Norms of her day and she had a mind of her own. (i'm told that i'm just like her ^_^)