POWERMETAL.de profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

In 1997, POWERMETAL.de started as a small, private homepage dealing with Heavy Metal alongside some other topics. Since the original homepage received a lot of positive feedback from the growing internet community, the project was transformed into a fanzine for Metal, Rock and Gothic in 1999. Ever since, the acceptance amongst fans, musicians, managements, labels and distributions has been growing, and with the turn of the year from 2004 to 2005, the fanzine became a magazine as a manifestation of our will to be an even stronger and more professional partner within the music scene.
Month by month we are happy to welcome more than 50,000 regular readers on the pages of POWERMETAL.de, reaching a total of more than 800,000 visits and over 3,000,000 pageviews. That makes POWERMETAL.de one of Germany's most widespread magazines, including both online and print media.
The staff currently consists of 17 regular members and 22 freelancers, who have written more than 8,000 cd-reviews, interviewed 1,000 bands and artists and reported from more than 900 gigs and events throughout Europe.
Alongside the hard working music desk, our literature desk is also well established on the market with more than 2,700 reviews, which has consequently lead to the foundation of our literature magazine BUCHWURM.info.
The second non-music-branch of POWERMETAL.de is also getting more popular. The movie desk, which has been established in mid-2003 has already provided more than 800 reviews completing the program of POWERMETAL.de. The video-corner might soon become a magazine of its own, too.
POWERMETAL.de does mainly address young people with an average age below 20 years, which has been indicated by surveys in our well frequented discussion forum.
Some of the main attractions of the magazine are the regular news updates and the frequent additions of new reviews, interviews and event reports. Further, the cooperation with the reknowned visual artist Jan Oidium enables us to present exclusive specials like online-cartoons.
If you want to join our "METALHEADS AGAINST HATRED AND VIOLENCE" campaign, contact us! Click on this logo to learn what it is all about:

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Metalheads, musicfans, journalists, bands, labels, artists, promoters... everyone interested in music :-)


The Power of Metal, Rock and Gothic!

My Blog

Metal & Gothic - Porträts aus der Szene: neue Reihe

In unserer neuen Reihe "Metal & Gothic - Porträts aus der Szene" seid ihr als Leserinnen und Leser zur Mitwirkung eingeladen, denn hier geht es um euch! Lest selbst, auf welche Weise wir künftig u...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 04:46:00 PST

Neue Specials auf POWERMETAL.de

Dornenreich (Listening Session) Ein Tonstudio im idyllischen Tiroler Örtchen Vill ist an diesem Abend Schauplatz einer besonderen musikalischen Vorstellung, denn hier wird zum ersten Mal das neue DOR...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 04:45:00 PST

POWERMETAL.de sucht Verstärkung

Du stehst auf harte Musik? Rechtschreibung und Grammatik sind keine Fremdwörter für dich? Du wolltest schon immer gerne mal vorab in die Scheiben deiner Lieblingsbands rein hören oder begabte Nachwuch...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:33:00 PST

AVANTASIA & AYREON in der Gruppentherapie

AVANTASIA und AYREON sind wohl unwidersprochen die Messlatten für Rockopern. In der grundsätzlichen stilistischen Ausrichtung zwar doch deutlich verschieden, gelten beide dennoch als die Speerspitze e...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 12:51:00 PST

Neue Specials auf Powermetal.de!

AC/DC - "Plug Me In"AC/DC, zweifellos eine der größten Rockbands der Gegenwart, haben ein neues Schmeckerchen für ihre Fans am Start. Die Australier haben dieser Tage die DVD-Box "Plug Me In" veröffen...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 04:31:00 PST

Signing Sessions & Meet Greets at Summer Breeze Festival

As every year POWERMETAL.de and Metal.de have organised some signing sessions and Meet & Greets at their stand on the Summer Breeze Festival (15. - 18.8.)! If you want to win a Meet & Greet ju...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 01:42:00 PST

Heavy Metal Paintbox - the story continues!

We had the chance to find more "painters" at the Bang Your Head Festival, the strories will be online soon, featuring Courageous, Mercenary, Abandoned, Powerwolf, Destruction, Mystic Prophecy and Prim...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:42:00 PST

Heavy Metal Paintbox

POWERMETAL.de startet eine neue Kolumne: die "Heavy Metal Paintbox". Können Musiker auch zeichnen oder nur komponieren? Wie gut kennen sie die Bands, mit denen sie gerade auf Tour sind? Bas Maas (AFTE...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Wed, 23 May 2007 11:47:00 PST

Metalheads Against Hatred And Violence (translation)

For years, radicals have been trying to subvert the metal scene and use our music to spread their ideological fervour fuelled by hatred. We think it's time to take a stand and do something against it!...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:37:00 PST

Metaller gegen Hass und Gewalt

Seit Jahren versuchen gewaltbereite Radikale unsere Szene zu unterwandern und unsere geliebte Musik zur Verbreitung ihrer hasserfüllten Ideologie zu nutzen. Irgendwann ist es an der Zeit aufzustehen u...
Posted by POWERMETAL.de on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 01:50:00 PST