I love being with my family- First off. After that I love to paint and sew. It is really relaxing to be able to spend a ton of time painting a really intricate painting.
Everyone that I would like to meet is already dead! I would have loved to meet all the great artists like Klimt, Van Gough... Gosh all the greats that were not great until they died.
I have a few favorites; John Mayer, Jewel, Glen Phillips, ZUZU Petal (wink wink). I just like artists that can go live with an acoustic guitar and sound as great as they do on the album.. That takes talent.
Well there are always the girl classics; Steel Magnolias, Pretty in Pink, When Harry met Sally, and Fight Club. Now after watching tons of movies, I just want to see something that has not already been done 20 times. I want to see something that makes me feel. Either scared shitless or just sad.
Anything reality; Amazing race, The Swan, Dr. 902010... I also love Law and Order and doctor shows like Grays Anatomy and ER.